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Kunstraum in Churfranken e. V.

Hauptstrasse 29, Klingenberg am Main, Germany
Museum/Art Gallery



Zweck des Vereins ist die Förderung, Verbreitung und Vernetzung des Kulturlebens mit den Schwerpunkten Bildende  u. Darstellende Kunst, Literatur und Musik Wir haben Winterpause. Ab 1. April 2017 sind die Ateliers und Galerien wieder geöffnet.


Marina Abramović - An Artist's Life MANIFESTO

DAS Manifest für den Künstler – von MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ: AN ARTIST’S LIFE MANIFESTO. 1. An artist’s conduct in his life: – An artist should not lie to himself or others. – An artist should not steal ideas from other artists. – An artist should not compromise for himself or in regards to the art market. – An artist should not kill other human beings. – An artist should not make himself into an idol. – An artist should not make himself into an idol. – An artist should not make himself into an idol. 2. An artist’s relation to his love life: – An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist. – An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist. – An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist. 3. An artist’s relation to the erotic: – An artist should develop an erotic point of view on the world. – An artist should be erotic. – An artist should be erotic. – An artist should be erotic. 4. An artist’s relation to suffering: – An artist should suffer. – From the suffering comes the best work. – Suffering brings transformation. – Through the suffering an artist transcends his spirit. – Through the suffering an artist transcends his spirit. – Through the suffering an artist transcends his spirit.. 5. An artist’s relation to depression: – An artist should not be depressed. – Depression is a disease and should be cured. – Depression is not productive for an artist. – Depression is not productive for an artist. – Depression is not productive for an artist. 6. An artist’s relation to suicide: – Suicide is a crime against life. – An artist should not commit suicide. – An artist should not commit suicide. – An artist should not commit suicide. 7. An artist’s relation to inspiration: – An artist should look deep inside himself for inspiration. – The deeper he looks inside himself, the more universal he becomes. – The artist is universe. – The artist is universe. – The artist is universe. 8. An artist’s relation to self-control: – The artist should not have self-control about his life. – The artist should have total self-control about his work. – The artist should not have self-control about his life. – The artist should have total self-control about his work. 9. An artist’s relation with transparency: – The artist should give and receive at the same time. – Transparency means receptive. – Transparency means to give. – Transparency means to receive. – Transparency means receptive. – Transparency means to give. – Transparency means to receive. – Transparency means receptive. – Transparency means to give. – Transparency means to receive. 10. An artist’s relation to symbols: – An artist creates his own symbols. – Symbols are an artist’s language. – The language must then be translated. – Sometimes it is difficult to find the key. – Sometimes it is difficult to find the key. – Sometimes it is difficult to find the key. 11. An artist’s relation to silence: – An artist has to understand silence. – An artist has to create a space for silence to enter his work. – Silence is like an island in the middle of a turbulent ocean. – Silence is like an island in the middle of a turbulent ocean. – Silence is like an island in the middle of a turbulent ocean. 12. An artist’s relation to solitude: – An artist must make time for the long periods of solitude. – Solitude is extremely important. – Away from home. – Away from the studio. – Away from family. – Away from friends. – An artist should stay for long periods of time at waterfalls. – An artist should stay for long periods of time at exploding volcanoes. – An artist should stay for long periods of time looking at the fast running rivers. – An artist should stay for long periods of time looking at the horizon where the ocean and sky meet. – An artist should stay for long periods of time looking at the stars in the night sky. 13. An artist’s conduct in relation to work: – An artist should avoid going to the studio every day. – An artist should not treat his work schedule as a bank employee does. – An artist should explore life and work only when an idea comes to him in a dream or during the day as a vision that arises as a surprise. – An artist should not repeat himself. – An artist should not overproduce. – An artist should avoid his own art pollution. – An artist should avoid his own art pollution. – An artist should avoid his own art pollution. 14. An artist’s possessions: – Buddhist monks advise that it is best to have nine possessions in their life: 1 robe for the summer 1 robe for the winter 1 pair of shoes 1 begging bowl for food 1 mosquito net 1 prayer book 1 umbrella 1 mat to sleep on 1 pair of glasses if needed – An artist should decide for himself the minimum personal possessions he should have. – An artist should have more and more of less and less. – An artist should have more and more of less and less. – An artist should have more and more of less and less. 15. A list of an artist’s friends: – An artist should have friends that lift their spirits. – An artist should have friends that lift their spirits. – An artist should have friends that lift their spirits. 16. A list of an artist’s enemies: – Enemies are very important. – The Dalai Lama has said that it is easy to have compassion with friends but much more difficult to have compassion with enemies. – An artist has to learn to forgive. – An artist has to learn to forgive. – An artist has to learn to forgive. 17. Different death scenarios: – An artist has to be aware of his own mortality. – For an artist, it is not only important how he lives his life but also how he dies. – An artist should look at the symbols of his work for the signs of different death scenarios. – An artist should die consciously without fear. – An artist should die consciously without fear. – An artist should die consciously without fear. 18. Different funeral scenarios: – An artist should give instructions before the funeral so that everything is done the way he wants it. – The funeral is the artist’s last art piece before leaving. – The funeral is the artist’s last art piece before leaving. – The funeral is the artist’s last art piece before leaving.

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Ausstellungseröffnung "Blau" am 18.2.2017 um 18 Uhr, GALERIE ABTEIGASSE 1, Amorbach

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Bericht MAIN ECHO vom 03.02.2017 über den Umzug der GALERIE RITA STERN von Miltenberg nach Aschaffenburg

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Photos from Kunstraum in Churfranken e. V.'s post

"13". Ausstellung mit Arbeiten von Kunstraum-Mitglied Juergen Kadow im Foyer der WIKA Hauptverwaltung, Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30, 63911 Klingenberg am Main. Vom 23.01.-30.06.2017. Mo.-Fr. 7.00-17.00 Uhr.

Photos from Kunstraum in Churfranken e. V.'s post

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Neujahrsempfang der Stadt Klingenberg, auch der KUNSTRAUM in Churfranken e.V. war vertreten!

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Galerie Rita Stern

Galerie Rita Stern



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Etwa 5% der Kunstschaffenden können ausschl. von ihrer Arbeit leben....95% haben ein durchschnittl. Jahreseinkommen von € 18.000 bzw. 13.000 (m/w). Eine gute, weiß grundiert bespannte Leinwand 100x80 cm kostet ca. 25 - 30 €.

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Plakat des bbk berlin 2009

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Vernissage Rainer Stern I Symbolismus im 21. Jhdt.

Vernissage Rainer Stern I Symbolismus im 21. Jhdt.

Rückblick 2016 auf Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen des KUNSTRAUM CHURFRANKEN. Viel haben wir der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Unser Dank geht an alle diejenigen, die uns unterstützt haben, mit Rat und Tat zur Seite standen, an die ausstellenden Künstler*innen und an die Stadt Klingenberg. Ab. 01. April 2017 geht's weiter...

Rückblick 2016 auf Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen des KUNSTRAUM CHURFRANKEN. Viel haben wir der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Unser Dank geht an alle diejenigen, die uns unterstützt haben, mit Rat und Tat zur Seite standen, an die ausstellenden Künstler*innen und an die Stadt Klingenberg. Ab. 01. April 2017 geht's weiter...

ARTE MEDIATHEK | ARTE | Kann man Gott beleidigen?

Zur Diskussion um Gotteslästerung in der Kunst (Hermann Nitsch, z. Zt. zu sehen in der Galerie ART de Temple, Aschaffenburg, ist auch vertreten in dem Beitrag). Zu diesem Thema gab es um die Arbeit von Juergen Kadow "Die Vision der Jungfrau Maria" in der Jahresausstellung 2016 heftige Auseinandersetzungen. Mehr dazu:
