By students and for students. We are the Students4Students-Tutors, we love to help you when you have trouble about living in Germany or in your study. Herzlich Willkommen an der Hochschule Rhein-Waal! Das Welcome Centre ist eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für alle Studierende. Insbesondere internationale Studienanfänger erfahren hier Unterstützung, Begleitung und Information durch qualifizierte Students4Students-Tutorinnen und -Tutoren. Sie helfen gerne bei Fragen zum Aufenthalt in Deutschland, bei der Alltagsorganisation und beim
Kennenlernen der neuen Umgebung. Hier finden die Neuankömmlinge Ideen und Anregungen, wie sie ihr Studentenleben spannend gestalten können, welche kulturellen und informativen Angebote es in der Region gibt und natürlich auch, wo die nächste Party geplant ist. Kontakt:
Important : Please contact us either using Facebook Message or our E-mail address. Giving us double notifications does not mean you will be prioritized. And also unfortunately we can't answer anything about your application admission.
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facebook.comLanguage Tandem Info Event Campus Kleve
Residence Permit Support | Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences
Residence Permit Support for Students residing in the district of Kleve Dear Students, The Welcome Centre in Kleve offers you support regarding the application for the residence permit. We provide you with the application form and help you understand it as it is written in German. Furthermore, we support and advise by revising your required documents for the application procedure. Our service does not stop here. After an online application for the Residence Permit Support you will meet one of our Tutors in front of the foreign office and she/he will guide you through the procedure and interpret for you.
Freshtival 2016 - Campus Kleve
Having a grand friend-BBQ
Studienassistenz für blinden Studierenden des E-Government! Wenn sich jemand für einen Minijob als Studienassistenz für einen blinden Studierenden am Campus Kamp-Lintfort interessiert, darf er/sie sich gerne beim Welcome Centre melden. Tel.: +49 2842 9082559339
International Picnic
Dear Students, The Welcome Centre Kleve would like to invite you cordially to an “international picnic”. Even though we provide food we would like to encourage you to take food with you. In order to sit in a comfortable way do not forget your picnic rug. We are looking forward to spend a great time with you.
International Picnic
Germanice Game Afternoon
Our consultation hours---always stay updated: Kleve: Kamp-Lintfort:
Germanice Kleve
Facebook Survey
Clash of Cultures 2016