Tricky Paws Training
Superior Dog Training & Nutritional Guidance Classes are 6 weeks in length and are approximately 1.5 hours in time per week. All classes are included in the enrollment fee and are guaranteed*. All classes are 100% positive reinforcement based. I use clickers in my training as well as verbal commands and hand signals.
There are 3 levels of training offered, beginner, intermediate, and advanced with the ultimate goal of getting your dog certified as a Canine Good Citizen through the AKC. (more in for here
Class pricing is as follows:
Individual classes in your home $120
Individual classes in my home $100
Group (2 or more people)** $75 per person
*- if you practice and attend classes regularly, no refunds will be issued. You are able to take class(in a group setting) as many times as you like until you are satisfied, refunds will only be issued in the event you are unable to continue to attend class and will not be able to reschedule.
**- All group classes are held in my home.
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