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Schlafende Automobilschönheiten der Collection Schlumpf

Lilienthalstraße 25 (UPK) Halle 19, Kassel, Germany
Automobiles and parts



Lassen Sie sich verzaubern…

… vom Charme einer exklusiven Präsentation von bisher nie gezeigten, originalen Automobilen.

Das französische Nationalmuseum Cite de l´Automobile präsentiert unter der künstlerischen Leitung von Heinz W. Jordan, Dr. Dietrich Krahn und Richard Keller vierzig Raritäten der weltberühmten Schlumpf Sammlung in verschiedenen Verfallsstadien.

Vom 01.05. bis 31.07.2013 dürfen Sie diese Fahrzeuge in Kassel anlässlich der 1100 Jahr Feier der Stadt in einer authentischen Umgebung im Unternehmenspark Lilienthalstraße 25 (UPK) in der Halle 19 bewundern.

Mit dieser Ausstellung soll eine deutsch-französische Diskussion über die Zukunft der Sammlung angestoßen werden. Die Frage, ob die Fahrzeuge Kunstobjekte oder automobiles Kulturgut sind, muss gestellt werden. Darf man restaurieren und konservieren oder lässt man den Schatz als Kunst verfallen?

Ab nach Kassel, wir freuen uns auf Sie!

1. Mai - 31. Juli 2013
Dienstag - Freitag: 11 - 19 Uhr,
Samstag & Sonntag 10 - 19 Uhr
alle Feiertage geöffnet.

In Halle 19 des UPK-Gebäudes


Sleeping beauties of former times

The French National Car Museum Cite de l`Automobile in Mulhouse will present, under the guidance of Richard Keller, curator of the museum, Heinz W. Jordan and Dr. Dietrich Krahn, forty cars of the famous Schlumpf-Collection which were never shown to the public before.

Those vehicles can be admired from May 1st to 31st July 2013 in an historic and authentic  surrounding in Kassel, Germany as part of the 1100 years celebration of Kassel.

The Background: The brothers Schlumpf, cloth manufacturers in Mulhouse, acquired the biggest car collection of the world in 40 years until their firm went bankrupt in 1976. The French authorities took over the collection and the site of the company to create the National Car Museum of France.
There are about 400 cars, 250 of them are accessible in the museum, about 150  cars are still in their original condition, hidden in the catacombs of the museum, never presented to the public. The cars were never restored, they exist in various grades of decay with rotten bodies and interiors, flat or missing tyres, wood worms and cobwebs as unique exhibits.

The forty cars, presented in Kassel, will be shown as they are, there will be no restoration or just cleaning to preserve their irretrieveable patina.
We want to discuss the question of the future of those “hidden beauties”. Are they ordinary old cars, objects of art or just scrap?

Should it be allowed to restore such cars to their former glory, should we preserve them in the present condition or is it better to accompany their decay?
Besides this we want to show  the history and the importance of the collection and of course the history of the brothers Schlumpf. To find answers for those topics, we will offer various discussions, each lead by qualified experts.

