Ramstein-Vogelweh Gospel Service
Welcome to the RVGS official page designed to keep out community connected. Our worship services are held on Sundays at 11am at the Vogelweh Chapel
If you want to get plugged into a ministry, see the ministries/leads below:
Iron's Men Ministry: Robert Gates
Women's Bible Study: Alicia Cabrera
Usher Ministry: Anthony Bozeman
Sound/Media Ministry: Phillip Brevard
Choir/Children's Ministry: DeMarcus Tate
Mime Ministry: Jermaine and Shanta Brown
Dance Ministry: Crystal Williamson/Janelle Ramsey
Hospitality Ministry: Jonita Bracey
Special Events Coordinator: Lee Mooring
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Gift given to the 4 mothers on Mother's Day. Custom refillable journals handcrafted by Creatively Forged, LLC

Timeline Photos

Resurrection Sunday/Revival Week

Graduation Service

John Faison Sr

Photos from Ramstein-Vogelweh Gospel Service's post
Saying goodbye to Bro Tate

Photos from Ramstein-Vogelweh Gospel Service's post
TONIGHT!!! All Married couples are invited to a night of bowling. it will start at 7:00 pm and the price is $10 for 2 games and shoes TOMORROW: Calling all girls in grades 7-12. The Cultured Pearls Ministry will meet from 10-12 in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you all there!

Family Photos (Easter)

Timeline Photos
Our revival starts tonight at 6:30 pm. Come on out to hear an awesome word from God. Hope to see you there!

Easter Service

Ramstein-Vogelweh Gospel Service
