Handy Tech International
Handy Tech is one of the world’s leading developers of electronic aids for the Blind and Visually Impaired. At Handy Tech we develop innovative assistive technologies for the Blind and Visually Impaired. We are one of the leading manufacturers of Braille displays in the world. Founded in 1994, the name Handy Tech is renowned for high quality products made in Germany and certified to the highest standard of ISO 9001. One third of our team members are themselves blind or visually impaired. Support and advice provided by our team is based on the experience gathered working with our products on a day to day basis.
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facebook.comHow about a little game on your iPhone today? Taylor is a research student aboard a space ship. Unfortunately, the ship crashlands on an alien planet, and it looks like Taylor is the only survivor. The game "Lifeline" lets you communicate with Taylor via radio. Your advice will decide whether he can survive and, ultimately, find his way back to good old Earth. Or you'd rather prefer a fantasy adventure? "Lifeline 2" magically connects you with a mighty druid who's got promises to keep and a world to save. Both games run in real-time and are completely text-based, which makes them accessible with Voiceover. They also make exciting interactive reading experiences on a Braille display.
Windows 10 now has talking setup! The Windows 10 Creators Update has been rolling out to users through the Windows Update mechanism since April 11th. With this update Microsoft has responded to a long-standing wish from the blind and visually impaired Windows community, making the Windows setup process completely accessible with Narrator even when booting from a DVD or USB flash drive. To get started, just press ctrl+windows+enter once setup is fully loaded. The dream of a completely independent way of installing Windows has thus become a reality. To create your installation medium, you need the Media Creation Tool which you can download from Microsoft at the following location: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10
Do you already know our new braille display Actilino? Ralf Vosseler, you might know when you have questions regarding our products, presents in the following Video our Actilino! https://youtu.be/iunjLAoqdu8
One of our Software engineers, called Felix, working on the dog/human interface. Judging by the speed at which Lucy runs it seems to be sucessful. Inter-Species communication is a hairy thing! In the background you can hear our Sales Assistant Sula laughing and expressing how cute and heartwarming this scenario is 😍 When have you been that excited meeting a beloved person lately? We from Handy Tech love such moments of love 😍 what about you?
Good news also for those of you using virtual machines. In VMware Workstation 12.5.3 a bug was squashed which prevented USB communication to some of our Braille displays. Our internal tests show that this is working reliably now. So, may all your real and virtual endeavours be successful.
Apple released version 10.3 of its mobile operating system iOS, including major Voiceover improvements. We are especially delighted to report that Bluetooth pairing with our Braille displays is working reliably once again. You can get the update Over-the-Air or with iTunes on a Mac or PC.
iOS users can breathe a sigh of relief: The problems preventing connection to Braille displays will be resolved in iOS 10.3. If you can’t wait (or don’t want to), you can install the current public beta and experience it for yourself. Please share this information with your friends and whom it may concern.
Dear customers, Do You use ZoomText/Window-Eyes or do you know someone who does? This is an important announcement for any user of ZoomText v10 or Window-Eyes 9.5 and above. You MUST update your Software before 26th January or it might STOP WORKING! Please update your Software immediately! You can find the Updates here: http://www.aisquared.com/CertificateFix/ Please like and share, for making sure that your friends and collegues will be informed! Thank you for your support! #WindowEyes #ZoomText #AiSquared #update #urgentAnnouncement #HandyTech
Dear Braille display and apple users, currently there is a problem pairing some Handy Tech Braille displays to iOS 10.2. If you have updated your iPhone or iPad to this version, you are strongly advised to not remove any existing pairing to a Handy Tech display, as you might not be able to re-establish the pairing once removed. Apple is aware of the problem and is working on a timely solution.
Inclusion is still a topic in all European countries.
#OrCam, the smart camera system. www.blindlife.de tested OrCam. Soon we'll post the video. Stay tuned! Or get more information in advance. Click here: https://handytech.de/en/products/reading-machines-and-audio-players/self-contained-reading-systems/orcam
Many thanks for visiting us at #SightCity 2016 and all the interesting conversations. We are looking very forward to the upcoming Sight City 2017. If you can't await it, pay us a visit at #RehaCare, Dusseldorf, from 28 September to 1 October 2016.