Chigolf indoor lounge
This page is about movement and moving in balance. The sport that I use to achieve this is golf. Therefore, I have created a room that challenges balance The new Chigolf lounge
The new Chigolf lounge is much more than a place to learn about golf. It is primarily a movement room, where people come together to explore different possibilities of movement in a relaxed and entertaining way. It is a place to find balance, emotionally, mentally and physically, which is vital in today’s hectic world. After a lifetime moving in a variety of different ways and explaining movement for a living I feel I have created a place where one can feel at home.
My mission is to explore the principles of moving in balance and golf is the main tool that I use to do this. Although this is something that should be very natural it is something that many people have lost being in touch with through the demands that life has placed upon them. My goal is to bring people back in touch with movement in a fun and healthy way.
It is a place where one can find support and connection to others and one’s own body, which I feel is something that we all want and need. We all love to learn and what better thing to gain knowledge of than ourselves and our own bodies. In the Chigolf lounge one can learn about movement in a structured and yet free, way, enabling us to move closer to our potential.
Whether it is through training alone or with support, the Chigolf lounge is designed to make movement fun. It is perfect for company events, or meetings, birthday parties for all ages and for seminars looking to be held in a special location. In addition there are a variety of courses, from yoga to dance, which are all possible due to the multi functionality of the room itself.
Over the coming months I will be sharing my thoughts about the process that I have gone through and am going through. It is my goal to continually add informative and entertaining articles and videos that are designed to help those who have chosen to devote time to the golfing process.
If you are interested in moving then the Chigolf lounge is a place for you. Just give me a ring and come and see for yourself. If you want to drop by and just get a feel of the place then feel free, I will be looking forward to seeing you.
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Es tut sich mal wieder was in der chigolf Indoor Lounge. Ich darf als neuen Partner, begrüßen. Für alle, die kostengünstig golfen wollen. Hier ein kleiner Beitrag: Greenfeeclub
Pushing the boundaries - ein Tagebuch, ein Leitfaden, ein Gedankenspiel. Nennt es wie er möchtet. Jeden Montag werde ich in diesem Blog meine Gedanken zum Leben mit und um Golf veröffentlichen. Viel Spass damit Pushing the boundaries 20th Nov. 2017
Pushing the boundaries - mein Blog, für alle die im Golfsport etwas mehr sehen, als nur pure "Länge". Eine Art geistiges Tagebuch. Viel Spass damit. Pushing the boundaries 5th Sep. 2017
Morgen beginnt die Qualirunde für die Winter Golf Challenge 2017 der GolfLIga in der chigolf Indoor Lounge. Es kann noch jederzeit eingestiegen werden. Auf gehts.
Morgen beginnt die Qualirunde für die Winter Golf Challenge 2017 der GolfLIga in der chigolf Indoor Lounge. Es kann noch jederzeit eingestiegen werden. Auf gehts.
Die GolfLiga startet durch; Mit einer spannenden Turnierserie und fairen Modus. Wintergolfserie der GolfLiga
Greenfeeclub ist jetzt chigolf Partner.
Endlich ist es soweit! Gleich zwei Turnierserien suchen in der chigolf Indoor Lounge ihre Sieger. Jetzt anmelden und gewinnen. Turniere
Eine kleine Städtereise;)
Für das Mentaltraing mit Justin Walsh am 11.08.2017 gibt es noch freie Plätze!!! Sichert Sie euch!!!
Mentale Stärke erlernen im Seminar mit Justin Walsh. Jetzt anmelden!!!Justin_Walsh_trainedbrain