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THATfirst - Yoga, Advaita, Samaya Srividya

Friedenstr., Hofheim, Germany



Online meetings, Mentoring, Meditation Retreats, Satsangs, Website There is one thing unique to our Tradition. It links itself to an unbroken lineage of sages even beyond Adi Shankara. The Himalayan Tradition is practiced in the Himalayan caves rather than being related to institutions established in the plains of India. In our Tradition, learning of the Upanishads is very important, along with the special advanced spiritual practices taught by the sages. The Mandukya Upanishad is accepted as one of the authoritative scriptures.

The knowledge of Srividya is imparted stage by stage and the advanced student is taught Prayoga Shastra, which explains the practicality and application of the discipline one has to follow for this knowledge.

We believe in both the Mother and the Father principles of the universe. That which is called maya or illusion, in our worship becomes the Mother and does not remain as a stumbling block or obstacle on the path of spiritual enlightenment.

All of our worship is internal and we do not perform any rituals.

There are three stages of initiation given according to our tradition.
- Mantra, breath awareness and meditation
- Inner worship of Srividya and bindu vedhan (piercing the pearl of wisdom)
- Shaktipata and leading the force of kundalini to the thousand petalled lotus    called sahasrara chakra.


According to yoga, to be complete one should learn to understand oneself on all levels. One should be able to answer such questions as, Who am I? From where have I come? Why have I come? Where will I go? These four questions are not answered satisfactorily by any branch of science or philosophy except yoga psychology. Swami Rama

Do you know who is in samadhi? He who has no more questions. If you do not have any questions, if all your questions are solved, you are in samadhi, but as long as your mind is busy with dialogues, that is duality. Swami Rama

Once you start doing meditation, you will come to know that life consists of more than merely learning. You talk about learning— you say, “I want to learn, I want to learn.” But that is not the proper attitude. There is something higher. On the spiritual path unlearning is much more important than so-called learning. What you really need to learn is unlearning, but only in meditation will you discover what this means. Swami Rama

Radhika Shah Grouven, Author Mastering Pranayama The 7 Step Program

First, your teacher introduces you to the real teacher within you, which is called your own conscience. Then you start counseling within: “I should not do this because it is not helpful. This is creating an obstacle for me.’’ The teacher inspires you, gives you strength—that strength which is already within you. The teacher introduces you to your own conscience and says, “My child, look within and be guided by this.” I can assure you, however, that the day you start counseling within, you will make mistakes. But so what? Life is not meant to be ruled by “don’t.” You have to make mistakes, and you have to learn from your mistakes. They should not be repeated. Swami Rama

Your favorite people make you lonely. Those whom you love, and who claim to love you, make you lonely. This is a fact. But do you know that this is not love? It is attachment. Love and attachment are two different things. Love means giving selflessly, excluding none and including all. Attachment is possessing something. In reality, it is bondage. There is a vast difference between love and attachment. Swami Rama

The science of Raja yoga teaches us not to identify with the objects of the world. We are used to seeing, examining, and verifying things in the external world, but no one teaches us how to see and look within. This is most unfortunate. Swami Rama

This is an inward journey, and for that, you have to learn to become an “insider”—one who fathoms all the levels of life and finally realizes the source of consciousness. It is so important to be an insider, that when someone comes to the monasteries of the Himalayas, we first try to determine whether this person is an insider or an outsider. We do not care how much he has studied the scriptures. We want to know, is he an insider or an outsider? Swami Rama

If you sit down quietly and calmly, you will come to know that the purpose of your life is Self-realization. To communicate with another person you have to open your eyes, open your lips, move your limbs, and express certain gestures, but to reach within you do not have to make any such effort. The easiest way is Self-realization, the easiest way is to “know thyself." But this is an inward journey, and for that, you have to learn to become an “insider”—one who fathoms all the levels of life and finally realizes the source of consciousness. Swami Rama

The relationship between the student and the teacher or guide is extremely important on this path. If the teacher instructs you selflessly for your benefit, follow him. But if you do not find him selfless, and if he does not practice the ideals he preaches, do not follow him. A selfish teacher cannot communicate with his disciples truthfully. Swami Rama

Many teachers commit a serious mistake. They give students mantras and different techniques and practices, but they do not prepare them properly. Thus, the students become confused and are not benefited. There are many varieties of yoga, and all are equally respected, but having many varieties can also confuse students. The truth is simple, but some teachers can make it so complicated that the poor students become bewildered. Swami Rama


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