Quantitec - Indoor Navigation & location based services
Quantitec Inertial Navigation Systems für Indoor-Navigation & location based services
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Our Founder & CTO Ersan Günes is giving a nice Presentation about Geo-IoT as Business enabler at 14:00 in Berlins Andels Hotel at the CESIS 2016 - 1st international VDI IoT Congress with Siemens, IBM, Google, AWS, Uber & Co.
Volkswagen veranstaltet Innovationstag Logistik
Quantitec bedankt sich bei den Kollegen von VW für die Einladung!
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Indoor Lokalisierung als enabler für die digitale Transformation #VWinnovationday #iot #i40
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Quantitec GmbH - Indoor Localization / Tracking / IoT Platform will be at Deutscher Logistik-Kongress 2016! Visit us in our Booth BP/01 and experience #innovation first-hand!
Quantitec @ BCW16 #Bosch connected World Event in Chicago, showing Indoor Localization at the Track&Trace Testbed #intranav
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Moin Moin! Unser CEO Ersan Günes, nimmt als RTLS Experte an der Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Indoor-Lokalisation in der Intralogistik / Logistik in Hamburg teil. Die Session findet am 8.9. um 15:30 h in der Halle K3 statt. #shh16
+49 6192 470111-7
Die Mutter aller Systeme - Lokalisierung - Linde Material Handling GmbH
Vernetzung: Den Schatz industrieller Daten heben
Linde Material Handling | Quantitec GmbH Microsite https://womh.linde-mh.com/vernetzung/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=linde_womh&utm_campaign=intranav-de#intranav
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IntraNav's remote monitoring. The Site shown on the screen is 50km away...you see every movement in real-time though!
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Quantitec GmbH - Indoor Localization / Tracking / IoT Platform at Linde's World of Material Handling 2016 Fair. #tracking everything there is to track!
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Quantitec GmbH - Indoor Localization / Tracking / IoT Platform will be at the HANNOVER MESSE. Visit our Booth in Hall 6 | K46/5! We will be waiting with cool innovations and a coffee.