Microdis Electronics / electronic distribution
Microdis Electronics is one of the most important players on Eastern European electronic component distribution market. http://www.microdis.net Nowadays, Microdis Electronics is one of the most important players on Eastern European distribution market, with stable financial fundaments, wide base of over 12.000 customers, outstanding market expertise, valuable partners and highly experienced employees.
We offer in-depth application support, value-added services and logistic solutions, and well developed network of sales offices across the territory.
Microdis' customers include OEM and CEM prestigious European companies from high-tech industries that are operating in different sectors such as automotive, consumer and telecommunications. All of them are supplied by us with both – standard components and complex high-tech solutions.
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facebook.comThank you for your visit and discussions on the IT & Telco Conference 2017 in Bratislava. Shaping the IoT future together with us. We hope to see you again soon.
Thank you all for your participation at the Microdis/u-blox/T-Mobile joint conference in Warsaw and in Cracow. Exploring the upcoming NBIoT technology was our focus.
Check out the AMR centered interview with u-blox's Diego Grassi, Senior Manager http://electronicscomponentsworld.com/innovation-in-cellular-communications-making-smart-meters-even-smarter/
Dziękujemy wszystkim za bardzo udany dzień spotkań, szkoleń i ciekawych rozmów. Już po koferencji TEC 2017, gdzie wystawialiśmy się i współorganizowaliśmy z u-blox szkolenie dotyczące GNSS i nowych technologii komunikacji M2M. Thank you all for a great day, filled with meetings and trainings. The TEC 2017 conference is over, we had there our booth and two training sessions with u-blox (about GNSS and cellular M2M communication). Take a peek how it looked like.
Do zobaczenia za 2 dni, w czwartek 25 maja konferencja TEC i seminarium UBLOX