Hofmann Versicherungsvermittlungs GmbH
Wir sind gut vier Jahrzehnte a. d. Beratung u. Betreuung v. Pers./Expats im außereuropäischen Ausland spezialisiert u. bereisen regelm. Südostasien,China.. Profile:
Mr. Sven Janßen
GM / CEO / Firm Owner
Hofmann Versicherungsvermittlungs GmbH
Ulmenstr. 98, 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel: +49 211 16665 0
Fax: +49 211 16665 25
Email: info@hofmann-vers.de
Website: www.hofmann-vers.de
Mr. Sven Janssen represents Hofmann Versicherungsvermittlungs GmbH, an independent insurance broker with more than 40 years of experience in the field of international and expatriate insurance. The cooperate-principle of Hofmann is to provide companies and expatriates with the most appropriate long-term insurance plans customized to their individual needs. Therefore Hofmann is partner of leading insurance companies in Germany and worldwide. In order to offer the best possible service Mr. Janssen and his team are regulary visiting China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Russia, Latin America. The company sustains a strong relationship to the Chambers of Commerce and more bi-/multilateral institutions in the area.