Happy Events Frankfurt
Happy People. Happy Kids. Happy Events.
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facebook.comTo all our clients and partners, a big thank you for your trust and cooperation! Have a happy Christmas and a joyful season! - Team HappyEventsFrankfurt
Getting ready for a corporate Christmas Party at Kameha Suite, Frankfurt
Cinderella Birthday Party #kindergeburtstag #kidsbirthdayparty #aschenputtel #cinderellaparty #birthdaypartyfrankfurt #partypackage #eventstyling #childrenspartyfrankfurt
HappyEventsFrankfurt advertisement in the #NewcomersGuideFrankfurt2018 #NewcomersFestival
Sweets: Cakes, cupcakes, and cake-and-fruits-on-stick; Flowers: Hortensien, Roses, and Lisianthus; Motif: Gold, pink blush, and beige/ cream
Check out HappyEventsFrankfurt advertisement in the Newcomers Guide 2018! Grab your free copy of the Newcomers Guide 2018 at the Newcomers Festival TODAY at Frankfurt City Hall (Römerberg). The Guide is a 120 page English-language guide to living and working in Frankfurt-Rhein-Main.
The beautiful Sweets Table that we set up today for a gold/blush themed vintage wedding #FrankfurtHochzeit #FrankfurtWedding #SweetsTable #DessertsTable #cakesByYoursTruly #hochzeitstorte #Frankfurtcakesandcupcakes
Event Decoration @ HappyEventsFrankfurt Showroom #weddingdecoration #hochzeitsdeko #hochzeitsblumen #eventstyling