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WorldMUN Heidelberg

, Heidelberg, Germany



We are the Delegation of the University of Heidelberg to the Harvard World Model United Nations Conferences, and hosts of Heidelberg National MUN. The WorldMUN Heidelberg e.V. understands itself as an initiator into the world of international diplomacy. It is run by a team of students from various academic disciplines with the intent of encouraging a critical, creative and open-minded approach to international issues. As an extra-curricular forum is it also unique in that it fosters language and leadership skills needed in any leading profession (> Philosophy). For five years now substantial and successful delegations have participated at the Harvard WorldMUN conferences in Cambridge (UK), Athens, Istanbul and Belo Horizonte (Brazil) (> History). We felt that, by stepping in as the host-unviversity in 2003, it was time to return some of the dedication and expertise that has always made these meetings such a personally and academically valuable experience.


Harvard World Model United Nations

We are excited to be heading to Panama next year to join another edition of Harvard WorldMUN! More information about our application process for the University of Heidelberg's delegation including an info session will follow soon.

Harvard World Model United Nations

Photos from WorldMUN Heidelberg's post

Harvard World Model United Nations 2017 is over. What have got? Natalie Stasiewicz is now fellow of The Resolution Project with her social venture IMPaCT, Matthias Hohmann won a diplomacy award, and the entire delegation was part of a great conference. Wow. Also: our friends from MUN Mannheim e.V. were best German university delegation (congrats, guys!), and Be.Boosted established itself as the German MUN Society Belgium (who stormed the conference once again, congrats to both of you!). See you all at the farewell party!

Photos from WorldMUN Heidelberg's post

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Natalie presenting her social venture IMPaCT at the The Resolution Project finals at Harvard WorldMUN 2017. One could really touch the energy that went into outlining this project - we wish all the best for actually making it work!

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Luca Lazylegz Patuelli - amazing & inspiring!! After regaining out breath: Harvard World Model United Nations 2017 is open!

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Aaaand off we are to Montréal, for Harvard World Model United Nations 2017. Safe trip, everyone!

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European Commission

From MUN to UN: Last Saturday - during the opening ceremony of the 2017 Heidelberg National MUN - Mr. Makipaa provided us with some insights into the work of the European Commission at the UN Good Offices in Cyprus. How relevant the Cyprus topic remains can be seen quite impressively by this week's media coverage about the reunification talks in Geneva.

Heidelberg National MUN 2017

Impressions from the 7th edition of Heidelberg National MUN.

Heidelberg National MUN 2017

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What an amazing weekend! Thanks to the special Hausmeister, the understanding and later positively active delegates, the chairs, the returning alumnus from Cyprus, the pagers, the soup man and his family, the observant faculties, and the two staff guys! (Expect participation certificates via mail, as well as feedback info. Hope you all got home safely!)

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7th Heidelberg National Model United Nations

Do you want to start 2017 with glimpse into the world of international diplomacy and global politics? Experience an intense weekend of Model United Nations right in the old town of Heidelberg. Be quick, though: The final deadline for registration is approaching: Sign up until January 3rd at midnight to join us at the 7th Heidelberg National Model United Nations!

7th Heidelberg National Model United Nations

WorldMUN Heidelberg e.V. - the University of Heidelberg's MUN-Initiative

Heidelberg National MUN 2017 - Committee Spotlight: European Council - Negotiating the Brexit They are really going to leave us? How should that ever be possible? If you don't want to follow the news, but be part of it, here is your chance: Be a diplomat for a weekend in Heidelberg, discuss in a simulated European Council, and help find a way out of this mess! Further info here: The simulation (called "Model United Nations") is taking place in the Neue Uni in Heidelberg, Sat-Sun January 7-8, 2017. It's only 15 Euro, including warm lunch, coffee, and a nice evening get-together. Join the fun, and add something different to your studies!

WorldMUN Heidelberg e.V. - the University of Heidelberg's MUN-Initiative

The first round of registrations is set, confirmation emails have been sent out. The Study Guides for the General Assembly and the European Council are online as well. If you received a payment reminder, you should follow the instructions given to secure your spot at the confernce. Everyone else should have received note, and the country assignments will follow soon. Check your spamfolder if you have not received anything, and eventually get back to us!

WorldMUN Heidelberg e.V. - the University of Heidelberg's MUN-Initiative

Tonight, the first registration deadline for Heidelberg national MUN 2017 ends - next week, we will send out country assignments, and the study guides will be set online. Please check your inboxes, as emails might end up in your spam folder. If you want to have a better chance to represent the country of your choice, register today until midnight!
