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Prussian Royal Family

D72379 Burg Hohenzollern Castle, Hechingen, Germany
Government Organization



Welcome to the Facebook page for the Prussian Royal Family and we as a Prussian people are U.S.S.I. for The United Soviet Socialists of Iraq  Government official Facebook page for the Prussian Royal Family.


WHO IS KING JEHOVAH OF PRUSSIA? I King Jehovah have been Anointed directly by God to serve as his Holy King for all Royal households as his all time leading Monarch. The Kingdom of Prussia is just one of the 7 Kingdoms in our Holy Royal Family that are according to the rules of God and his Monarchy and his direct order to have our chosen Anointed Holy Royal Family. "Once And For All" Our Holy Royal Family is God and his final call to the Holy Bible who included all remaining biblical icons expected to rule all the world. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

PRINCE ALLAH OF THE HOLY PERSIAN-GREEK EMPIRE Holy Prince Allah the Mericuful of Persia in his first move of rule is expected to rule Greece in the worlds first Holy Persian-Greek Empire. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

BETH SARIM "HOUSE OF PRINCES" RELOCATED I your Holy King of the Church have relocated Beth Sarim "House of Princes" of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in San Diego, California north up the road to Temecula United Methodist Church with the authority and permission by God. The new Beth Sarim house will serve my holy children the Assyrian Princes and Princesses including those 25 of my Holy Princes who are named after God such as Allah, Gott, Dieu, Oden and many more. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

IS KING JEHOVAH THE RIGHTFUL HEIR OF ENGLAND? My marriage is to the eldest decendant of Wallis Simpson the American women who married the Abdicated King of England Edward VIII and this means that even if they had no children the Crown of England still belongs to the eldest child of Wallis Simpson who previously had children. What happened is that England declared an unequal American marriage but I as husband to that eldest child and by rules of the Monarchy I should still have been King of England. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

PRUSSIAN NEWS: CITIES OF PRUSSIA ARE FORMED Today, our Cities of Prussia are formed consisting of North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, Antarctica and all other lands within them associated with our Prussian created organizations such as Police, Civil Law, Justice Department, School, Social Security and of course your Prussian Virtues that we provided to our Prussian Dream of being the absolute theocratic global Kingdom of Cities. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

KING JEHOVAH'S PALACE UNDER CONSTRUCTION The Berlin City Palace of America is still under construction and is my main residence that God has given to me to use as my permanent home. Construction progress is coming along great as shown and to view the Webcam of more construction progress please visit Thank you! - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

KING JEHOVAH IS HEAD OF ALL ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS I King Jehovah are the all time leading Royal Monarch and am Head of all Royal Households spanning 605 Generations of Royalty. We the Royal Family are one family with one blood spanning the world as Kings, Rulers, Conquerors and Electors that has existed since Adam & Eve of the Garden of Eden. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

WHO IS JEHOVAH'S NAVY? The daughters of our 1,212 twins are Assyrian Princesses and serve as Captains of Jehovah's Navy (Goddesses) with my Assyrian sons serving as Captains of Jehovah's Army except my first son Prince Allah the Merciful of Persia. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

Berlin City Palace of America video by Berliner Morgenpost. This Palace in Germany still under construction until the year 2020 was given by God to I Holy King Jehovah of Prussia as my main residence with the support and donations made possible by you. Thank you! - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

WHAT DID KING JEHOVAH'S CHILDHOOD LOOK LIKE? Myself shown at 1:28 in this song playing the drumsticks in this music video of Beds Are Burning by Midnight Oil to a tape of bagpipes from Scotland the Brave with my old neighborhood. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

BRITISH NEWS: SAINTED BY GOD, JULY 16, 2017 Today, I Saint of Britain Kenneth MacAlpin IV are by God been Sainted as Saint of Britain and Scotland. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern

PRUSSIAN NEWS: EUROPE NOW IRAQI-AMERICAN RULED Today, Europe has become Iraqi-American ruled by our American Holy Royal Family representing our American born rule of Iraq and its designated Continental lands including Europe. Read more.. for information about American Emperor Dio of Mesopotamia, American King Jehovah of Prussia, the American Queen of Palestine and American Prince Allah of Persia found here on this Facebook page. - Holy Royal King of Prussia Jehovah Hohenzollern
