Seefahrt nach alter Seemanschaft und echtem Begreifen. SIch in der Welt auskennen und mit allen möglichkeiten rechen können auf unserer kleinen Erde.
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PEKING Lotse Kai ist an Bord wir werden eskortiert. Die ersten Seminare laufen ANM A7 Wir heuern an und last euch von den Lügen des Obenpersonals nicht stören Sie sind noch nicht so weit. Wir haben 1000 freie Stellen viele Schiffe warten auf dich deins ist dabei. Ihr seid gefragt an die Oberfläche zu treten und einen Eintritt zu bekommen. Als Mannschaft und Lehrstuhl laufen die Prelims. Ihr alle Experten dieser Welt Hamed Desy Elsa die Straße ist euch wohl bekannt. MC2 was soll das heißen. Fahrt mit mir auf dem Gehörnten Herz. Ich weise euch ein-
Harburg ist unser Standort wenn wir einen Bürgermeister bekommen der uns fördert Hamburg Seefahrt Schule
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Einladung an den Bund: Ausbildung für das Globale Bewusstsein, lernt Seemanschaft, dann geht es mit der Politik auch viel besser. Vergesst Robespiere und Kapitalismus macht die eigenen Augen für einander auf wir sind nicht gleiche linke oder rechte wir sind verschiedene Infividuen die zusammen auf einen Weg gehen können zum Wohle aller
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WIN WIN WIN das Globael Bewusstsein wird gefördert und die Shatten sind nicht zu fürchten. Wir feiern unsere Unterschiede
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Ancient Navel Mariner ENROLLMENT starts for Spring 17 Please indicate your Interests and Seemanship requirements Kapt of the High Seas. We have Ships for you to learn from the Ancient ways up to the Hadrons core. Lets dance with the Electrons.... The Trump theather is going on Merkel has become the synonym od Arshole and the Truth is what is schining through. Lets take it by the Tail and make a Fairy out of their Ideals. We live in harmony not in contempt. The Program: ANM the curriculum begins with the Truth know how to decipher this and recognize yourself looking out of your own eyes. Gravity holds you to this Earth find the source within you derive what gives Spacetime its relevance. Forget about coordinates and do not think about seperation or boundaries. Comprehend the Whole paint your impresionistic picture of it in your mind. relate everything according to G. In Groups on bord you enter into common awareness and exchange. Learn how to relate and feel nothing is missing. Reverberate the truth between us. Call on the Ancient, become archaic in yourself. Autark you are lifted from twisted bullshit. In reverberation you add your tune. Now give expression to reality and understand the future is now. Engage yourself in the immersion of vessel you are in. Explore in retrofit the beauty in creation touch and understand. Anfassen und Begreifen: you become Crew. You learn to lead by opening the lead to everyone on bord.Your input is pure and everything is heard. Sense the love that has ensued within you live. Your moment of truth has dawned. With the win win win configuration you begin placing the love within you for exponential growth. It feeds of the Love of other bordmembers. A Acknowledgement of your fellow crew members gives you the speedy engagement in your responsibilities. You see the others as you see yourself. You Understand the source from the One and always are able to relate everything to the whole soul Source. Growing from common source and growing the diversity from the first whole one becomes your passion. You find the only way to live is for the good of all that is the ONE. YOu have now arrived at source. Engage from the first fold understand that the two is PHI and recurrent in everything. It defines Matter and it releases Energy. You now can call on PHI as the universal mirror of truth in it duality is closed and the Facevalue becomes the double Periphery of being. With leaving port you acknowledge the spherical periphery on the outside. Earth is welcoming you. Feel @ Home. You have arrived in the present and you begin managing your imagination in awareness. You fill live with your bounty. We build from imagination and fill the voids of the impressionistic whole. We share the individual whole and grow become one with the Horizon reach deep into Earths core and at sea become aware of the Infinite. Gather you Ancient wisdom fill your impressionistic reality make no mistake. You have arrived in the double periphery of the eventhorizon. Light is always found in the Overlap of Moments. These Moments are defined as Exponential. Acceleration of Entropy gives you the whereabouts now. You leave the realm of median or meridian. your longitude is in spherical trigonometry and in relation to the geometry of PHI. We go in ourselves and begin to enable the spin of our own boule. Light has the bandwidth of scalar infinity, with it we delve into the Universe and ascend spacetime while rejoicing in the common location. Location what is that you become familiar with navigating from your senses of the moments of light. The Universe shines its navigation lights. hbar f 360 360 ² / PHI I turn your attention to the fracture of time and space itself. This clock is in dimensionless hbar f 360 360 -² / PHI arrive at the Horned Heart. Anni I call on you to become the Captain of this Heart. Stadt WAREK is the foundation of communality. we begin to understand the knitting needles of the infinitesimal. 3 1 the sound of matter becomes light.Your awareness is in the infinite bandwidth of light. Join the crew, Undine, Onyx where are you. Ursa Mayor the Ancient Navel Mariner greets Ursa Negra. In the high North, we stand in the center of our universe. expanding exponentially into the infinite realms of truth. Know your location you fill it with soul and purpose. Transcend the spacetime boundaries of meridian and latitude become one with mother Earth. Set foot on Spaceship Earth. Put them both down and become rooted. Call on your ancient relations leave nothing out, be always in Reverberance of the truth. You are now with us. You leave the duality, stop projecting incomplete. Facevalue mirrored as PHI is your compass. In the navigation lights of the Universe you A to Global. you triangulate in quadrature of the Spherical. XY you are there. I welcome all Hamburg Seefahrt Schule participate to Global Awareness from A to G. G Gravity has a hold of you. Always in reverence off acceleration twice as fast as the wind you leave with always one handwidth air under the keel. We wish you Bonaventura. CaptWAREK 1 Oct. 2016
ab 16 Uhr
Restaurante La Rosa (Ex. Restaurant Sporting) Vorstellung und Film im La Rosa Hammerbrock bitte kommt und feiert mit uns se geht die Post ab wir stellen uns vor
Anmeldung läoft wir heuern an erster Kurs ist Anspruchsvoll Ancient Naval mariner registration hat begonnen
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