Mayah Communications GmbH
AUDIO AND AUDIO/VIDEO COMMUNICATION NETWORKING PRODUCTS + + + click on the pictures on the right side to get information about our products! MAYAH® Communications’ main objective is the development and distribution of innovative hiqh quality solutions for audio and audio/video communications in broadcast and corporate networks. Focus is given to standardized audio and video formats, such as MPEG-1, -2 and 4 as well as proprietary but accepted formats such as E/apt-X, ADPCM4SB and others.
MAYAH has shown technological leadership in audio transmission by inventing FlashCast®, the automatic codec recognition, which allows compatibility to nearly all standard and proprietary audio codecs in the market. It has been developing innovative hard and software products for InHouseStreaming, WebRadio, ISDN, other broadcast networking applications and Digital Handheld Recording.
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facebook.comImpressions directly at the customer about the pipe concept and the new WebRemote - Orange Sound with Andreas Rudroff #Part2
Pipe concept and new WebRemote - Interview at Orange Sound (Pa...
Impressions directly at the customer about the pipe concept and the new WebRemote - Orange Sound with Andreas Rudroff #Part1
Pipe concept and new WebRemote - Interview at Barbeq Sound (Pa...
Impressions directly at the customer about the pipe concept and the new WebRemote - Interview at Barbeq Sound with Reinhold Binder #Part2
Pipe concept and WebRemote - Barbeq Sound Part 1
Impressions directly at the customer about the pipe concept and the new WebRemote - Interview at Barbeq Sound with Reinhold Binder #Part1
Timeline Photos
Thanks to all visitors from your MAYAH TMT team! Hope to see you next time. #MAYAH #TMT #tmt29
Timeline Photos
MAYAH people at work at Tonmeistertagung 2016. #TMT #tmt29 #MAYAH #Reinventing #AudioCodecs #VisitUs #Andromeda #GeMINI
Timeline Photos
Impressions live from the MAYAH desk at the Tonmeistertagung 2016.
Timeline Photos
Our CEO Detlef Wiese is giving an interview to Come and meet us at Tonmeistertagung 2016 Booth 1-09! More impressions coming soon.
Verband Deutscher Tonmeister
Here you can find the time table of the 29th TMT. As you can see our CEO will give a presentation about Encryption and our PIPE concept on 18th of November at 12:30 pm at the Rheinsaal on the second floor. Hope to see you.
MAYAH Communications - Newsletter 10/II/16
*More than anyone before* Stay tuned for out next Newsletter #SIP #PTP #ACIP #AES76
MAYAH Communications - Summer Sale C12
MAYAH summer sale 2016 Contact us to get the special price. #CentauriIV #3001 #Sale #30%off
Photos from Mayah Communications GmbH's post
We want to thank Reinhold from BARBEQ-Sound and Andi from Orange Sound Studios for the great days and the interviews regarding our pipe concept. Video is following soon. Stay tuned.