Gelenk-Klinik-Orthopaedic-Hospital-in Freiburg
Gelenk Klinik offers you the latest in modern orthopedic medicine. We perform in access of 2400 surgical procedures per year: knee, hip and ankle replacement. All our orthopaedic surgeons speak English. Our team of expert consultant orthopaedic surgeons and physicians offer private medical and surgical care of the highest standard. We use the most up to date procedures.
These procedures include the latest non surgical and minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques to speed your recovery, manage pain, treat sports injuries and all orthopaedic conditions.
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facebook.comWhy come to Gelenk-Klinik? 4 Reasons that matter! Why do orthopaedic patients actually come from all over the world to an orthopaedic clinic in Germany for their surgery and endoprostheses?🤓 Find 4 specific advantages of Gelenk-Klinik in comparison to other health care destinations around the world.
#Kniearthrose - Ursachen und gelenkerhaltende Therapien von #Kniespezialist Prof. Dr. Sven Ostermeier aus Gundelfingen
Amazing video about the origins of #bunion deformity (hallux valgus): What happens with ladies feet, when they wear high heels? 😮 Read more on the Website of German foot and ankle specialist Dr. Thomas Schneider,
You don’t wear sandals because your big toe looks ugly? Most cases of bunion can be treated with minimal invasive methods in the “Gelenk-Klinik”. Bring the summer 😎 back to your feet with this German foot specialist:
Dr. Peter Baum, #Orthopäde an der Gelenk-Klinik #Gundelfingen schätzt pflanzliche Mittel gegen #Arthrose-Schmerzen Artikel aus "Gesunde Medizin" - Arthrose Infos für Patienten hier nachlesen:
Soccer or tennis injury? Best results in ACL reconstruction surgery! Don’t leave a ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) without treatment: Surgery is the best option to avoid osteoarthritis and regain an excellent stability in the knee. Check here about your German knee specialist:
Liebe Denise, Du hast nicht nur die Prüfung als MFA bestanden, sondern in der Gelenk-Klinik sicher auch die Prüfung des Lebens. Wir wünschen Dir alles gute, und viel Freude und Erfolg mit Deinem Beruf, und stets einen weiterhin optimalen Blutdruck.
New ankle joint - new quality of live Pain free activity, normal gait and mobility - these are patient benefits after an ankle joint replacement. But, it is important to see the right German orthopaedic specialist for consulting and diagnostics before deciding the next steps. The famous German athlete #BorisBecker took the chance: