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Empires of Memory

Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen, Germany



Empires of Memory is a Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for the study of Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Gottingen. Empire as a political, social, and cultural form and project haunts contemporary nation-states across the globe. This haunting is particularly acute in Europe. Although the modern empires of Europe no longer exist as political entities, memories of imperial identity, power, and their discontents continue to fuel contemporary political projects and demarcate horizons of belonging. Our research project, “Empires of Memory: The Cultural Politics of Historicity in Former Habsburg and Ottoman Cities,” will examine the multiple lives of imperial memories in relation to the dominant political and cultural logics in Europe today. We will focus on the cultural politics of former imperial belonging in six cities: Istanbul, Vienna, Sarajevo, Budapest, Thessaloniki, and Trieste. The choice of these six cities is strategic. Istanbul and Vienna were the capitals and principal political-economic centers of the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires. Sarajevo and Budapest were, at different points in their histories, ruled by both the Ottomans and the Habsburgs, although they occupied much different positions within the political geographies of their respective empires. Finally, Thessaloniki and Trieste were crucial ports for much of Ottoman and Habsburg history, respectively, but are currently located within national contexts that broadly eschew these histories. The contemporary geopolitical and regional situations of these six cities also present provocative points of comparison and contrast. They are located in six different nation-states—Turkey, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Greece, and Italy. Four of these states are EU members, while Turkey remains a perpetually deferred candidate for entry, and Bosnia-Herzegovina is as yet only a prospective candidate. Three of the cities are national capitals; several of them are regional economic and political centers, and Istanbul is a burgeoning global city. Finally, the six cities also span the recent geopolitical rift of the Cold War. These multiple connections and distinctions among the cities make them uniquely suited to yield a comparative, multidisciplinary study of memories of empire, and the politics that attend to these memories.


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#borders #balkans #muslims new article by Piro Rexhepi

 Concept-Work for Colonial Histories: Ann Stoler (Full Version)

Concept-Work for Colonial Histories: Ann Stoler (Full Version) via @YouTube

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"Thinking #Gender and #Sexuality After #Empire and #Socialism" - Important conversations at Dec 9 workshop @mpimmg

Max Planck Research Group „Empires of Memory“ - MPI-MMG

CFP: “Ambivalent Legacies: Memory and Amnesia in Post-Habsburg and Post- Ottoman Cities” Deadline 15/12/16

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Bartholomeus de Moor was a slave trader. Every house he occupied in Amsterdam was fitted with a depiction of a 'moor' #MemStudies16

Empires of Memory (@EmpiresOfMemory) posted a photo on Twitter

Politics, econ, religion, architecture & art in Amsterdam are inseparable from Dutch involvement in slavery @BlackHeritageAm #MemStudies16

We are in Amsterdam for the #MemStudiesAssoc conference - fantastic programme about to begin!

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"Thinking Gender and Sexuality (After) Empire and Socialism" Workshop December 9, 2016 @EmpiresOfMemory Max Planck Institute, Gottingen

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Join us tomorrow for our lecture series with Monika Palmberger discussing “(Dis)placing Memories in the Context of War and Migration”

Revista de Libros: «La identidad europea y el islam» de Jeremy F. Walton

"El mito de #Europa es, en su origen mismo, una parábola de partición y alienación" - J. Walton #islam #Andalucia

Revista de Libros: «La identidad europea y el islam» de Jeremy F. Walton

"La identidad europea y el #islam" - Revista de nv. libros sobre la pertenencia andalusí y otomana por Jeremy Walton

Revista de Libros: «La identidad europea y el islam» de Jeremy F. Walton

Nuevo ensayo de Jeremy F. Walton para 'Revista de Libros' (English version online soon) "De entre los comentaristas públicos sobre los ostensibles dilemas que rodean a los musulmanes europeos, son pocos los que recuerdan que el islam no ha llegado a Europa hoy, o ni siquiera ayer. La historia del islam en los extremos suroriental y suroccidental del continente…es tan enjundiosa y diversa como lo es en muchas partes del conocido como mundo musulmán."


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