International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)
Welcome to the TUM International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE). The TUM International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) is an interdisciplinary scientific institution of the Technische Universität München (TUM). It integrates Natural and Engineering Sciences through graduate and postgraduate education rooted in a strong research foundation.
IGSSE promotes the development of young scientists at TUM in terms of both research and personality. The main focus is on the scientific excellence of every graduate's individual doctoral research and thesis. The Graduate School offers a Research Training Program generating a considerable added value in terms of (multi-) disciplinary experience, international networking, scientific and entrepreneurial know-how, and personality development. The objective is to lay the groundwork for graduates who wish to pursue careers at an executive level in international research and commerce.
The IGSSE has formed the innovative basis for and is now a Thematic Graduate Center of the TUM Graduate School.
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Call for ideas: i3 workshops In one of our upcoming workshops, Start-Up advisors will give insights of the dos and dont´s of founding a company - and how TUM supports entrepreneurship. Do you have more ideas and inputs also for self-organized workshops - Get in touch with us!
Register now: IGSSE Team toolbox workshop Guided by a professional trainer, the participants get valuable insights into various methods of facilitating the project team´s collaboration towards its scientific goal. Applied tools, amongst others, include team canvas, design thinking and rapid prototyping. The workshop is part of the new IGSSE qualification program. Dates & info and registration:
Lesestoff: Promotionen sollen besser werden! Die Hüter der deutschen Wissenschaft fordern eine Reform der Promotionspraxis. Unter anderem wird die generelle Einführung eines externen Zweitgutachters und ein Berufsdoktorat speziell für Mediziner gefordert.
Rise in newly awarded Phd degrees, and other data. Check out the science article below or the full NSF report .
Make your research come alive at UnternehmerTUM´s 2-day workshop "Prototype your PhD"
Greetings from Carolin (project team 10.03 BIOMAG), who spent her stay abroad at the Northeastern University in Boston, doing research in the Biomedical Opitcs Resarch Group!
Some scientists get more compensation than others - why shouldn’t it be you? - The secrets of a top salary in science
IGSSE doctoral researcher Jonas Latz (project team 10.02 BAYES) presented his "UncertainTEA Quantification" at the Science Slam in Hamburg and won the first prize. Congratulations!
Hi from Julian (IGSSE project team 10.05 Glutail), who spends his research stay at the College of Pharmacy (University of Kentucky) in sunny Lexington KY!
1st interdisciplinary "Israel-TUM Summer School in the Alps"
Kurswechsel - die Karrierekonferenz für Frauen, u.a. mit ExpertInnenrunde „Wege aus der Wissenschaft“, Elevator Pitch und einem Markt der Möglichkeiten! Anmeldung und weitere Infos unter: