SmokinMedia is a web development agency that delivers elegant user-centric solutions using creative thinking, cutting-edge design & technical expertise. SmokinMedia has over fifteen years experience designing websites, web applications and software for a wide range of businesses, ranging from small partnerships to international corporates.
We like to think of ourselves as a design-led agency. We combine creative thinking, cutting-edge design and technical expertise to deliver elegant user-centric solutions that meet your business objectives.
Our team are experienced professionals and deliver bespoke design concepts for each and every project.
We understand what makes a great and effective website. It’s not just taking the creative lead and designing a site to take your brand and business forward — it’s about your whole internet strategy and how to get the most from your website.
We have worked on web application projects that are used by PIXAR, Sony Pictures, Dreamworks, EA Games. We have also worked on web projects for Mobilcom Debitel, Studiosus Reisen München, Marco Polo Reisen, TUI.
We also believe greatly in access to education, knowledge and technology for all, and that nobody should be disadvantaged. We do what we can to help people to have the same opportunities as us, by:
- lending via
- supporting some individuals with free advice and web hosting for projects
Take a look at the project portfolio on our website. If you like what you see please contact us to see how we can help your business.
SKYPE: smokinmedia
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS tips for designing better, more intuitive forms.
#SmokinMedia has just made a loan to Ruben in Bolivia via He needs money to buy a motorbike so that he can work as a messenger, which will in turn help finance his studies in IT. Help change lives by loaning or donating via #KIVA.
#SmokinMedia just made a loan via to Katerina in Samoa to help her buy vegetable seeds, chemicals, a wheelbarrow, water tank, rake, shovel, hand gloves and safety boots to assist in the pursuit of her enterprise. #KIVA Help change lives by making a loan too!
Great work, Apple, and very eloquently written! I hope that the entire tech industry supports each other in this matter, and force the FBI to back down! If Apple is forced to create a backdoor in their devices, I fear it will open a can of worms and lead to considerably more abuses of our privacy and personal data!