We are an international, inter-denominational ministry engaged in evangelism and Bible teaching as a part of Torchbearers International (formerly known as the Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers), founded by Major Ian Thomas. Bodenseehof Bible School and Conference Center is located in Friedrichshafen, Germany on the shore of Lake Constance (or Bodensee). This lake borders Austria and Switzerland and is one of the most popular vacation areas in Germany with world class sailing, windsurfing, skiing, hiking, and climbing right in the immediate area.
On a clear day, you can stand in your dormitory rooms, look across the water, and see the majestic Swiss and Austrian Alps. If you come for a visit, there are beautiful running and biking trails and opportunities to canoe or kayak. Our central location is also within "day-trip" range of many tourist attractions, skiing, hiking, items of historical significance, and well known cities such as Munich, Zurich, and Stuttgart.
Bodenseehof offers a six-month Bible School and discipleship program which runs in the English language. We typically have 80 - 100 students from around the world who come to participate in what many say is the "best six months of their life."
Additionally, we offer many different German-speaking conferences and retreats.
As a part of Torchbearers International, we are connected with other schools, conference centers, and mission organizations around the world. Our goal in all of the many programs offered is that people would have encounters with the risen, indwelling Christ.
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facebook.comAuch keine Lust mehr auf diese Eiseskälte? Wir singen den Frühling herbei! Gemeinsam beim diesjährigen SPRING PRAISE Konzert. Ladet kräftig ein und kommet zuhauf! Tired of freezing temperatures? Let's sing away the cold! Come and join us for this year's SPRING PRAISE Concert!
FREUNDESTAG 2018! Liebe Freunde, am 10. März ist euer Tag am Bodenseehof. Trefft alte Bekannte und neue Gesichter, schaut euch an, was sich im letzten Jahr hier getan hat, und lasst uns gemeinsam auf Gottes Wort hören. Wir freuen uns sehr auf euch! HOMECOMING 2018! We invite all our friends to join us on March 10 to meet old friends and new faces, to see the changes of the last year and to listen to the word of God together. We're looking forward to seeing you!
Alive in Christ!
Gipfel erobern, Felsen erklimmen, Schluchten erkunden. Das alles und noch viel mehr auf unserer neuen Erlebnisfreizeit, der EXPERIENCE! Bereit, was zu erleben? Dann schnell auf für weitere Infos und Anmeldung! We added a new conference to our summer program: EXPERIENCE! Climbing mountains, discovering canyons and so much more. More info and registration on
Es ist kaum zu glauben, aber das letzte Crossing dieser Bibelschul-Saison steht bereits vor der Tür! Am kommenden Samstag laden wir herzlich dazu ein, den Abend mit unseren Bibelschülern zu verbringen und sich gemeinsam auf die Suche nach "vollem Empfang" zu begeben. wir freuen uns auf euch! We can't believe that the last Crossing of this year's Bible School season is already around the corner! Come join us for this open evening, meet the students and brush up on your German (program will be in German). See you there!
The LORD is with us today!
Für alle, die schon seit Monaten Lebkuchen essen. Für alle, die noch auf der Suche nach ihrer Weihnachtsstimmung sind. Für alle, die gute Musik mögen. Für alle, die gute Gemeinschaft schätzen. Für alle, die schon seit Jahren kommen. Für alle, die noch nie da waren. Für alle, die sich mit uns über Jesu Geburt freuen. Herzliche Einladung zu unserem Konzert "Advent International!" Dieses Jahr erstmalig mit zwei Vorstellungen: Samstag, 19:30 Uhr, und Sonntag, 15:00 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf euch! For all who can't wait for Christmas. For all who can't find their Christmas spirit. For all who like good music. For all who enjoy good fellowship. For all who join us every year. For all who have never been here. For all who celebrate that Christ was born. Come join us for our concert "Advent International" on Saturday, 7:30 pm or Sunday, 3:00 pm (second performance)! We're looking forward to seeing you!
So true.
LUST MIT ANZUPACKEN? Wir suchen Freiwillige für unsere Dishes-Crew, kleinere Küchen-Vorbereitungsaufgaben und unsere Hauswirtschaft während unserer Silvesterfreizeit vom 29.12.17 - 03.01.18 - Freie Unterkunft und Verpflegung - Kontakt: WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEND US A HAND? Volunteers needed for our Silvesterfreizeit 2017/2018 from Dec. 29, 2017 until Jan 3, 2018. We are looking for helpers for the dish crew with some small kitchen prep work and in the housekeeping. - Free Room & Board - Write for more information
KEIN TAG DER OFFENEN TÜR Leider hat sich im aktuellen Newsletter Oktober 2017 ein Fehler eingeschlichen. Der TAG DER OFFENEN TÜR am 3. Oktober wird dieses Jahr NICHT statt finden! NO OPEN HOUSE Unfortunately, there is a little mistake in our current newsletter: There will be NO OPEN HOUSE this year on October 3rd. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Freunde, unser neues Jahresprogramm ist da! Der Sommer 2018 kann ab jetzt geplant werden. Alle Freizeiten sowie die Anmeldung dazu findet ihr auf Our holiday brouchure for 2018 is here! Check out our conferences on
Dass man auf der Erde erkenne deinen Weg, unter allen Nationen deine Hilfe. (Psalm 67, 3) International Night am Bodenseehof! Schön, dass ihr da seid! That your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. (Psalm 67, 2) International Night at Bodenseehof! It's good to have you here!
Album bout to drop 2017 #bibleschool
Awesome three months at bodenseehof are coming to a close... Concerts, rehersals, outreaches were sick with #relay @joy__key @dietwatertogo @abbymcalear @briellegerbrandt @raebear25 You guys Are awesome!!
Christmas banquet with another amazing person I've had the privilege of getting to know at bode☺️
I love this place
christmas presents done right: brought to you by the ladies of the one three five. || #bodebabes #adventuresatbode #christmastime #igotatiggeronesie
8/10 of room 131! Gonna be weird without all these girls next semester 📷 @megpizzo #bodenseehof1617
Menno Simons is our home boy. All we need now is some borscht and paska to make this a real menno party. #mennonitesunite
i sure did miss this place and it's people.
crushed velvet ✨
quad squad does awkward prom photos for the christmas banquet.💛 #adventuresatbode #christmastime #awkwardprompose #bodebabes
the cutest student at bode and i matched at the advent concert. #christmastime #adventuresatbode #bodebaby #matildaisthecutest
Can't believe this girl is 21!!! Crazy how close we have gotten in just a couple of months. I love you so much and hope you have the best day. I can't wait to see what God does in the next year! #bodenseehof1617 #bodebabes ❤️
Exploring with Raelle ❤
The friends you make in Germany