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CEWO - Cell Worker

Sudetenplatz 3, Freilassing, Germany
Retail and consumer merchandise



Bring Energie in Dein Leben! Der CEWO Protektor funktioniert nicht  mit Batterie, Magnet oder anderen Hilfsmittel sondern  ausschließlich mit der vorhandenen
Energie! Somit ist  dieses Produkt unbedenklich für jede Alters und  Personengruppe. (Beispiel: Schwangerschaft,  Herzschrittmacher, Zucker usw.)

Anwender berichten von  fantastischen Ergebnissen bei Gelenkschmerzen, Menstruationsbeschwerden, Kopfschmerzen, Migräne, Sportverletzungen  u.v.m.
Sie Fragen sich warum der CEWO  Protektor bei  fast allen Beschwerden funktioniert?   Weil eben die meisten Beschwerden ihren Ursprung in der Zelle  finden.

Unter finden Sie weitere Details zu den CEWO Protektoren.


With this product we want to give back quality of life to people and that is appreciable!

Because the cell and organism have learnt to deal with local conditions. In our modern life there is a multitude of influences: telephone, TV, electric kitchen equipment, stress, discord, diseases of civilisation, and much more, affect the cell. Every year we face a new influenza virus, which can be fatal for weaker members of society. Bruises, pain, viruses, bacteria and much more are presented in the cell and then communicated. The CEWO-Protektor needs this communication to be able to communicate! Free energy is introduced into the circuit board (spiral side) and also discharged there. "If the cells are healthy, the human feels healthy“

Users have reported fantastic results for joint pains, menstrual pains, headaches, migraines, sports injuries and much more Are you wondering why the CEWO Protektor works for almost all complaints? Because most complaints originate within the cells.

The CEWO Protektor does not need a battery, magnet or other aids; but simply makes use of available energy! Therefore the product is safe for use for all persons, of every age. (Including: pregnant women, people with pacemakers, blood sugar level problems, etc.)

Doctors, top sportsmen and women, people plagued by pain, in fact all users swear by the CEWO Protektor!


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