Jewish Experience e. V. We offer you an opportunity to meet new people, learn more about your Jewish heritage in an exciting way!!! http://www.j-exp.deUnterstütze uns / Support usKontonr. 398 083 606 BLZ 500 100 60 Postbank Frankfurt Non-Profit Volunteer Driven Organisation for Jewish Students and Young Professionals
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facebook.comWeniger als eine Woche bleibt bis zum Anmeldeschluss zum Shabbat Weekend für Studenten und junge Erwachsene! Dich erwarten andere junge Leute, tolle Diskussionen & ein fantastisches Zauberworkshop mit einer Show von Avi Fisher! Melde Dich schnell an und sei dabei!
Less than 3 weeks left until the fantastic event in Frankfurt with the family Deutsch from Israel and and amazing magician Avi Fisher from Switzerland! Register now and spend fascinating time with young people from all over Germany and other european countries! Let us be inspired by love and magic!
Waiting to see you all soon!
Register now for this magic weekend for young people from all over Germany and other European countries! We are looking forward to spend great, inspiring and fun time together!
We are waiting to see you at this amazing event! Register now and be part of this great summer jewish experience!
Unser kommender Speaker ELI DEUTSCH in Action:
Daniela Kalmar
Register now and be a part of the great summer event in Frankfurt with an amazing speaker and participants from all over Germany and other European countries!
Jewish Experience, Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt, Landesverband Hessen present Fr, 18th – Su, 20th August 2017 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE with Rabbi Eli Deutsch and Chana Deutsch (Israel) Register until 13th August here: Info:, Participation fee: complete event: students: 20 € / professionals: 32 € per day: students: 13 € / professionals: 24 €. Hotel upon request! Programm: Friday, 18th August 2017 19:00 Welcome with champagne & choko fondue 20:07 Candle lighting, Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat 21:15 Festliche Shabbatmahlzeit mit Liedern und Dvar Tora 22:30 “The Male-Female Dynamic in Kabbalah” von Rabbi Eli Deutsch 23:00 Oneg Shabbat Saturday, 19th August 2017 9:30 Shacharit in der Gemeinde 12:30 Kiddusch with canapés 13:00 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus with Chana Deutsch: The 3 mistakes men make about what women want for young women with Rabbi Eli Deutsch: The 3 mistakes women make about what men want 14:00 Festliche Shabbatmahlzeit mit Liedern und Dvar Tora 15:30 - 17:00 - Freizeit 17:15 Interaktives Programm 18:00 Mincha 18:30 Seuda Shlishit mit Dvar Tora von Ilja 19:15 “How to tap into the power of Masculine Initiative and Feminine Vulnerability” Rabbi Eli Deutsch 20:00 Conclusion 21:30 Maariv & Hawdala Sunday, 20th August 2017 09:00 Shacharit in the Westend synagogue 10:15 Breakfast 11:00 Icecream & Magic Workshop with Avi Fisher 15:00 Goodbye About the guest speakers: Rabbi Eliyahu Yaakov (Eli Deutsch) is an acclaimed speaker and author who inspires and motivates Jews of all backgrounds to take a fresh look at life by presenting thought provoking Kabbalah ideas in a manner that is inspirational and user friendly. With a plethora of parallels and explanatory precision, Rabbi Eli masterfully articulates abstract concepts into practical transformative teachings, communicating the deeper side of Judaism in a way that resonates with the well-read student as well as the newcomer. Rabbi Eli is a fan of innovation, connecting with interesting people, driving on open roads, and five shekel coffee shops. He currently lives in the Old City of Jerusalem, where he spends most of his time teaching, writing, counselling, learning, hosting, and with his family. He has become known for inspirational and entertaining Wine & Chassidus events, and has been invited to put them on in other locations internationally. Additionally, Rabbi Eli speaks to thousands of Birthright participants each year, infusing their Israel experience with paradigm-shifting uplifting content. He is the author of the #1 Amazon Best Sellers The Case For Judaism and Jewish By Choice as well as numerous other works. Books available at: A taste of what Rabbi Eli has to offer is available at his website and his You Tube channel Connect with Rabbi Eli on Facebook at Chana Deutsch is a relationship expert and mentor. She specializes in helping women in relationships and not-yet-in relationships foster the connection, intimacy and love they desire. As a Kallah teacher and an educator in Tanach and Women’s Issues, Chana began learning, practicing and teaching down-to-earth strategies designed for women to get in touch with and bring forth their authentic, vulnerable, feminine self. By shifting the focus from shame to dignity, from control to intimacy, from feminism to femininity, Chana has become the beacon of light for women in Jerusalem who want to transform their relationships from a state of disconnect, struggle and lack of understanding to one of mutual respect, communication and intimate tender connection. Chana is certified as a Kallah teacher by the Israeli Rabbinate. She studied with Laura Doyle and she also serves as a Temple Institute scholar. For the last 15 years, Chana, along with her family, has hosted more than 10,000 students and travelers from across the world for weekly inspirational Shabbat meals. Email Chana at or book a time with her. Married and single women welcome.
Shabbat Weekend mit Rav Shlomo Raskin & Doron Golan
Der nächste Shabbaton ist schon in 12 Tagen. Melde mich zum tollen Shabbaton mit Shlomo Raskin. Anmeldung hier: