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Ergonomic Care GmbH

Gewerbebogen 9, Forstinning, Germany
Medical Company



Wir bieten unseren Kunden weltweit qualitativ hochwertige Heil und Hilfsmittel. Zur Lieferung kommen ausschließlich neue Produkte führender Hersteller aus  Sanitätsfachhandel, Medizin- und Rehatechnik sowie Herstellung von
Orthopädischen Hilfsmitteln


Photos from Ergonomic Care GmbH's post

Wir wünschen allen einen guten Rutsch in ein neues innovatives Jahr 2017! Zum Abschluss dieses Jahres zeigen wir Ihnen eines unserer neuen Messeprodukte aus Carbon, eine voll funktionstüchtige Unterschenkelprothese in Schalenbauweise mit eingebauten LEDs. We wish you a great start into the new innovative year 2017! For the conclusion of this year we show you one of our new fair-exhibition-products made of Carbon. It's a full funktional lower leg prosthesis with LED

Photos from Ergonomic Care GmbH's post

Arab Health

To complete our network continuously and to look after our international relationships, we attend continuously at several exhibitions and congresses as exhibitors or as partners. ever since four years.

Arab Health

Photos from Ergonomic Care GmbH's post

Explore some of our product , today for example Lower leg and foot prothesis In Carbon look Sport protheses which allows the user to engage in various sports and activities. In Army look swim protheses whay ? most amputees that wanted to wear a prosthesis into water would have needed a separate swim leg in addition to their everyday prosthesis. In Jeans look everyday prosthesis

Photos from Ergonomic Care GmbH's post

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Ergonomic Care GmbH

With Saeed Justin Marc Thanks Easy Life team

Ergonomic Care GmbH

Photos from Ergonomic Care GmbH's post

Tag 3 in Dubai

Photos from Ergonomic Care GmbH's post
