Diy bike workshop Flensburg
Diy Bike Workspace
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facebook.comHey! I will make a bikewars 2018 Meeting. It will be next thursday 23.11.17 at 20:00 in the Bäckerei and I invite all people that are up for helping and planning this shit🤘
we are also on Flensburg tv, with the bikewars!!
Hallo liebe leute! (english below) Unsere Werkstatt wird jetzt wieder ein bisschen construiert und darum sind wir nicht geöffnet in die nächste etwas Wochen. Auch suchen wir hard Leute die mithelfen wollen in unseren Selbsthilfe Fahrradwerkstatt. Jetzt sind wir immer noch mit 2 Leute und wollen gerne mehr Fahrradbastler/Bastlerinnen in unsere ganz coole Diyfahrradcrew haben. bitte melde sie sich und teil diese Nachricht mit deine Fahrradfreunden!! danke! Tschüssii Pietie! ----------------------- Hey there people! Our bikeworkshop is again under construction, and thats the reason why we won't be open in the next few weeks. Also we are looking really hard for people who wanna help out in our diy bikeworkshop. At the moment we are just with 2 people but we would like to have more bike mechanics involved in our diy bikeproject. So please get in action, and get involved with us, the time is now!! :) (share this post with your bikefriends) Thanks!
We wanna say thanks to all people who helped out and joined the bikefestival! if you have more pictures or video's please send em to us! we'd like to take em all into our memories :)
started welding more trophees/prizes for bikewars!! 3 more days!! AND DONT FORGET TONIGHT BIKE MOVIE ARROUND 9 IN ''DIE GANZE BAECKEREI''.. + Free snacks :D
building more cool stuff for next weeks bikewars!!
more and more people are starting to build their monsterbikes, and thats great!! next week we'll be opened everyday to prepare bikes for bikewars flensburg!
next week will start bikefest!! also got backpatches for that, will be printed in more different colors as well!!
so yes we got new backpatches/bags for sale! done by Black Squeegee Screenprinting! More patches will come online next week, but here are already some links to order our stuff!!:
Got now also some nice screen printed bikewars posters!! yes!