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Auslandsjahr EVS

Ruppiner Str. 15, Falkensee, Germany
Non-Profit Organization



Mit dem EFD arbeitest und lebst du in einem gemeinnützigen Projekt im Ausland. Du lernst ein fremdes Land, eine andere Kultur, neue Leute kennen.



Fundación Paideia Galiza | European Youth Portal

Die Fundación Paideia Galiza in Spanien sucht ganz dringend jemanden, der EFD in Spanien machen möchtet. Hast du Lust? Schickt deine Bewerbung an Fundación Paideia Galiza!

AIDA|Volunteer opportunities

AIDA in Romania sind gerade auf der Suche nach Freiwilligen! Bewerbungen sind bis 26.04.2016 möglich!


Fundación Altius Francisco de Vitoria I Centro de promoción social Fundación Altius Francisco de...

Offene Stelle in Spanien!! Das Projekt beginnt März!! ““ALTIUS project serves at-risk families with minors in their charge, arising from social services, through actions that improve their caregiver role and psycho-education covering basic needs. Served families lack the economic means to meet their most basic needs, which makes it impossible to allocate time, money and can worry about properly care your children and/or family to psychological and educational level. Through the project ALTIUS is intended to remedy this situation by covering such basic shortcomings through mainly cover needs feeding, hygiene, employment, family safety and health. ALTIUS project develops activities and actions aiming to provide comprehensive support to families users at the same time facilitate and improve their patterns of upbringing and pisco-educativa function in the family. Families served have a tutoring and education workshop at values for children during afternoon school in order to improve their school performance and prevent school failure and subsequent absenteeism during. On the other hand, the adults of the family will be taken care in individual and group sessions of orientation and training that facilitates their socio-labour integration and improvement of their skills. Across will work with both children and adults healthy habits and study, social and technical skills for resolving conflicts before the severe economic crisis the demands of users have changed, asking increasingly the need to meet basic needs. The educational needs and the time and child care become a background increasing family problems, school failure, cases of anxiety and the exclusion of families making similarly their employability increasingly greater. Faced with this situation the Foundation started the project ALTIUS in 2013 in order to meet the most basic needs and facilitate and accompany in basic efforts thus improving the situation of the beneficiaries attended. In this way the project offers individual and group counselling, food, employment and training advice, tutoring and accompaniments in administrative and sanitary formalities where necessary in cases of illiteracy. Through individual and group activities helps the development of the abilities of people in its individuality and as members of their family. The development of these capabilities facilitate the normalization of the situation of the beneficiaries to social and family level at the same time as economic increasing the employability of the adult members.” The ALTIUS Foundation offers 1 EVS vacancy in Valencia - Spain of age 18-30, from any member state for the program “Proyecto Altius-Familia e Infancia. The Altius Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes youth solidarity through of the participation in volunteering programs focused on needs of disadvantaged young people who are not currently employed, educated or trained. The ALTIUS Foundation, with over 13 years of experience, offers a vacancy to a young from EU, aged 18-30, to volunteer in Valencia, from March 2016, within 9 months within the European Voluntary Service program. ( ). The project that would work called “Proyecto Altius-Familia e infancia”. It works with childs and families without money. -- Victoria Tena Braña Fundación Altius C/ Arquitecto Tolsa nº 9 bjo • 46019 Valencia TELF 96 366 36 20

Stiftelsen Grobunn | European Youth Portal

Stiftelsen Grobunn in Norwegen sind gerade auf der Suche nach Freiwilligen!! Bewerbungen sind bis 01.03.2016 möglich :)

Long term EVS in Arenas de San Pedro!

Offene Stelle in Spanien! Bewerbungen sind bis 29.02.2016 möglich. Viel Erfolg!

Be creative! | European Youth Portal

12 Monate Europäischen Freiwilligendienst offene Stelle in Latvia! Bewerbungen sind bis 15.02.2016 möglich. Viel Erfolg!



Call for EVS Volunteers in Muxelka! | Muxelka

Offene Stelle in Spanien! Bewerbungen sind bis 17.01.2016 möglich!


NEAR Auslandsjahr EVS