Description is the paid crowdsourcing marketplace that provides work assignments to a large number of Internet users. Freelance clickworkers receive a range of assignments, including text creation, research, and polls.
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PLEASE TAKE CARE WHEN CREATING YOUR UHRS LIVE ID!! We're seeing quite a few people not following the instructions on the second part of the UHRS assessment leading them to not being able to log in. You absolutely MUST create a live ID via the link in the assessment, not using the link means the account will NOT be set up correctly and you will have to email us and wait until we can reset the assessment for you. -Hazel
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We're happy to announce that the UHRS assessments are back online. If available to you, you can take the first assessment by clicking on "Assessments" in your account. A score of 85% or more is needed to pass UHRS I. Good luck! -Hazel
Landing Page: Build Cleverly and Avoid Mistakes - clickworker
Find out now what those are, how to do it better and what is truly important when it comes to landing pages.
WebForms - free form tool by clickworker; Your Content Provider
How to create web forms free of charge:
The ten most important e-commerce trends in 2017
This post provides information about which e-commerce trends will expand and be established and what is behind them.
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Liebe Clickworker, wir wünschen euch und euren Familien besinnliche Festtage und einen entspannten Start ins neue Jahr. Genießt die freien Tage und schaut heute noch einmal in unserem Adventskalender vorbei: ------------------------ Dear Clickworkers, We wish you and your loved ones happy and peaceful holidays and a relaxed transition into a prosperous new year. Click here to enjoy the last little door of our clickworker advent calendar: (MS)
Checklist for more visibility on the net | ePages-Blog (english)
Just like with brick-and-mortar retail, the requirement for strong sales in ecommerce is that an adequate number of customers find their way to your store and enter it. In this article we provide helpful tips for this.
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Miko, hör auf den Postboten anzubellen! Trefft den Rest des Rudels in Adventskalendertürchen 21: ------------------------- Miko, stop barking at the Postman! Meet the rest of the pack in little door No. 21:
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Was ist heiß, süß und duftet? Türchen Nummer 18 des clickworker-Adventskalenders! ----------------------------------------- What is hot, sweet and smells like chocolate? Little door No. 18 of the clickworker advent calendar. ;)
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Huch, ein Päckchen... Was da wohl drin ist? Wollt ihr nachsehen? ----------------------------------------- What's in this mysterious package? Get a hint in little door 17. (MS)
Keyword search: The most important tips and tricks in ten minutes
The most important information and tips on keyword search
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Habt ihr Appetit auf einen weihnachtlichen Snack für Zwischendurch? ----------------------------------------- Do you wanna grab a quick bite of our today's Christmas snack? (MS)