Eislingen is a town in the district of Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. It is located on the river Fils, about 2 km east of Göppingen.MayorMayor of the municipality Klein-Eislingen until 19331830: Stübler, then Rapp, Haug and Nieß1868-1884: Leo (came 1860 from Gschwend)1884-1890: Kleindienst (first professional)1890-1906: Scheer (born March 31, 1864 in Klein-Eislingen)1907-1932: August Umgelter (born February 1, 1872 in Stuttgart)Mayor of Greater Eislingen (würzburgischer district) until 1806around 1798: Jakob Rummel1806: Anton LechleitnerMayor of Greater Eislingen (Württemberg district) until 1806 about 1770: Michael Schrag to 1796-1806: Jakob LinkMayor of the united town of Gross-Eislingen 18061806-1818: Jakob Link1819-1833: Joseph Lieker (1716–1833)1833-1843: Joseph Comforter (born 1783 in Pfauhausen, surgeon and doctor)1844-1846: Franz Joseph Rieker1845-1866: Schrag1866-1895: Johann Michael Schrag 1895-1929: Julius Vogel1930-1933: Anton Breuling (after the unification of both Eislingen cities official)Mayor of the city Eislingen 1933-20111933-1945: Hans Schuster 1945: Gottlieb Nürk 1945-1947: G. Rohrer1947: temporary administrator H. Bulling1948-1978: Erwin Meyer1978-2010: Günther Frank ( SPD )2010-2011: Klaus Heininger (independent)Mayor of district town Eislingen since 2012. Klaus Heininger (independent)
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