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, Düsseldorf, Germany
Museum/Art Gallery



Speicher, founded in 2015, is an artist-run-space situated in the attic of an appartment building located in Düsseldorf-Flingern.     Speicher, founded in 2015, is an artist-run-space sited in the attic of an appartment building located in Düsseldorf-Flingern.

Its program´s focus wanders along ways of artistic practice, which concentrate around questions on performativity, poetry as language as well as groups of themes on politics and media diffraction.


You're cordially invited to ... On Performance: a summer library 30.07. - 31.10.2017 Opening: 29.07.2017, 4-7 pm In the framework of an exhibition with a Hang Out „On Performance: a summer library“ provides a selection of publications, a fan as well as a scan, copy & print station. I.a. with _ A Theater Without Theater _ Artificial Hells _ FG Artist Service Group _ Die Erfindung der Kreativität _ Artist-Run Spaces _ Das Kapital _ Haben und Brauchen _ Dark Matter _ Dispute Plan to Prevent Future Luxury _ Fm Szenario _ Politik des Zeigens _ Cascades _ Tristano _ Philosophie der Architektur _ Platform Capitalism _ Against Participation _ Le Partage du sensible _ To expose, to show, to demonstrate, to inform, to offer _ Vom Urteilen _ Post-Anarchism _ Damn Good Advice For People With Talent! _ Хлеб и воля _ „Für alle reicht es nicht“ _ Live Forever: Collecting Live Art _ Institutional Critique _ Jeff Koons _ -- *

wanna cry A lecture on mnemonic and affect control by Irina Raskin. (in german language) Sat, 17.06., 4-7 pm _start: 5pm It would be splendid to see you ... ----------------- wanna cry Ein Vortrag über Gedächtnis- und Affektkontrolle von Irina Raskin. (In deutscher Sprache) Sa., 17.06., 16-19 Uhr _Beginn: 17Uhr *****

**Archive online!** Helle Ortung by Kevin Schnabelrauch

You're cordially invited to HELLE ORTUNG by Kevin Schnabelrauch 19.02. – 11.03.2017 Opening: Sat, 18.02.2017, 4-7 pm It would be splendid to see you ... - hiermit laden wir herzlich ein zu HELLE ORTUNG von Kevin Schnabelrauch 19.02. – 11.03.2017 Eröffnung: Sa., 18.02.2017, 16-19 Uhr Wir würden uns sehr freuen Euch zu sehen ... --

** Archive online! ** Mag kein Läufer besonders g by Philipp Höning

"Mag kein Läufer besonders g" by Philipp Höning 06.11. – 03.12.2016 Opening: Sat, 05.11.2016, 4-7 pm Among other things and regarding to the icons of modern architecture the exhibition presents a c - It would be splendid to see you ...

** Archive online! ** Esscing for Yonder Space by Dominic Aidan Vetter

You're cordially invited to ESSCING FOR YONDER SPACE 03.07. – 30.07.2016 by Dominic Aidan Vetter Opening: Sat, 02.07., 4-7 pm The exhibition presents real-time simulations, scripts and sculptural elements. It would be splendid to see you! --- ******** Herzliche Einladung zu ESSCING FOR YONDER SPACE 03.07. – 30.07.2016 von Dominic Aidan Vetter Eröffnung: Sa., 02.07., 16-19 Uhr Die Ausstellung zeigt Echtzeitsimulationen, Scripts und skulpturale Elemente. Wir würden uns sehr freuen Euch zu sehen! ---

** Archive online! ** Four Studies of Oslo and New York / The Rich Should Be Richer / Gustave Doré: London - A Pilgrimage by Ane Hjort Guttu

Herzlich Einladung zum Screening der beiden Filme "Time Passes" und "Untitled (City at Night)" von Ane Hjort Guttu Time Passes, Beginn 17 Uhr Untitled (The City at Night), Beginn 18 Uhr _ Sprache der Filme ist Norwegisch mit englischsprachigem Untertitel. Die Ausstellung ist vor und zwischen den Filmvorführungen geöffnet. ... please join us for the screening of Ane Hjort Guttus films "Time Passes" and "Untitled (City at Night)" Time Passes, 5 pm Untitled (The City at Night), 6 pm _ The regular exhibition is still open before and after each film.

see ya later ...

Four Studies of Oslo and New York / The Rich Should Be Richer / Gustave Doré: London – A Pilgrimage von Ane Hjort Guttu 08.05. – 04.06.2016 Eröffnung: Sa., 07.05.2016, 16-19 Uhr - Die Ausstellung präsentiert eine Gruppe kontextspezifisch erarbeiteter und erst- malig 2012 in der Kunsthall Oslo gezeigter Exponate, sowie die beiden Filme "Time Passes" und "Untitled (The City at Night)" in einem Screening* zum Abschluss der Ausstellung am Sa., 04.06.2016. *RSVP - Screening*: Sa., 04.06., 16-19 Uhr Time Passes, 17 Uhr Untitled (The City at Night), 18 Uhr - Öffnungszeiten: Samstags, 16-19 Uhr WWW.SPEICHER-DUESSELDORF.COM ************************************************* Four Studies of Oslo and New York / The Rich Should Be Richer / Gustave Doré: London – A Pilgrimage by Ane Hjort Guttu 08.05. – 04.06.2016 Opening: Sat, 07.05.2016, 4-7 pm - The exhibition presents a group of site- specific pieces first shown at Kunsthall Oslo in 2012, as well as the films "Times Passes" and "Untitled (The City at Night)" in a screen- ing on Sat, 04.06.2016. *RSVP - Screening*: Sat, 04.06., 4-7 pm Time Passes, 5pm Untitled (The City at Night), 6 pm _ Opening hours: On saturdays, 4-7 pm WWW.SPEICHER-DUESSELDORF.COM *************************************************
