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DC-Diamascorp Holding GmbH / Diamascorp Group of Companies

Schloss Garath - Garather Schlossallee 19, Düsseldorf, Germany



Try to get more information and news about a hidden market - diamonds Diamascorp is presented by a dynamic and qualified start-up with the objective to establish international as business partner for natural rough diamonds. More than 35 years in national and international experience in the fields of diamond exploration, processing and trade form our solid value structure.

Diamascorp is a word composition on late latin “diamas“, a linguistical adaption from the former Greek “adamas“, what means "impregnable" and “corp“ as an acronym for "Corporation".

Holding head quarter of group of companies is Duesseldorf / Germany, for mining and trading Jo-Burg / South Africa.

Our main offices:

Branch Offices Europe

DC-Diamascorp Group of Companies
Locations Germany / Germany

DC-Diamascorp Holding GmbH
Head Office of Croup of Companies

Schloss Garath
Garather Schlossallee 19
D-40595 Duesseldorf

DC-Diamascorp Verwaltungs- GmbH

Schloss Garath
Garather Schlossallee 19
D-40595 Duesseldorf

Diamascorp Invest Ltd.
Birmingham - c/o Germany

Schloss Garath
Garather Schlossallee 19
D-40595 Duesseldorf

Location Berlin

DC & MinDor
Ludwigkirchstrasse 4
D-10719 Berlin

Branch Offices Africa

DC-Diamascorp PTY Ltd.

Jeweler City Johannesburg
Rubinek Centre First Floor Suite F6

225 Main Street
Johannesburg 2001
South Africa


Jeweler City Johannesburg
Rubinek Centre First Floor Suite F6
225 Main Street
Johannesburg 2001
South Africa



NEAR DC-Diamascorp Holding GmbH / Diamascorp Group of Companies