Helping to create epic employers!
Global-in-reach, Düsseldorf-based consulting agency helping HR to enter the age of digital transformation.
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facebook.comThis weekend we organized and facilitated a movie premiere about "Feuerwehrensache" - an internal project of the ministry of the interior. 200 fire fighters joined the premiere. The 30 min movie was also written, directed and produced by YeaHR! Watch the trailer here.
Our Ströer Employer Brand Motives.
Jump! – YeaHR! launches new Employer Brand for Ströer Group: How do you develop an employer brand for a company that changes on a daily basis? Where new brands are constantly being added? Where the portfolio grows and grows through acquisitions? By asking applicants and employees to join the ride and embrace speed and change. Or simply: Jump! More at: Jump! – YeaHR! launcht neue Employer Brand für Ströer Gruppe: Wie entwickelt man eine Arbeitgebermarke für ein Unternehmen, das sich täglich im Wandel befindet? In dem immer neue Tochterunternehmen hinzukommen und das Portfolio stetig wächst? Indem man Bewerber und Mitarbeiter dazu auffordert, einfach mitzumachen, bei voller Fahrt mit aufzuspringen, Wandel und Tempo mit Offenheit zu begegnen. Oder kurz: Jump! Mehr unter:
Unbelievable! 2 years old. A big hug and thank you to all our clients, partners, and friends! Still living the dream. Celebrate with us!
There we go...
Successful presentation on digital recruiting at Nestle/Maggi. Check.
Serviceplan and YeaHR! on authentic storytelling in employer branding and recruiting!
Shooting photos and a film all day on trampolines for a new employer brand project.
Was a great pleasure to talk about digital branding in front of 100 headhunters. YeaHR! with an interactive session at the German "HR Consultancy Day" on digital branding for HR agencies, headhunters, and consultancies. April, 26 in Bonn!
YeaHR! on tour. From sunny Duesseldorf to rainy Hamburg. Yuck.
Workshop 15 today successfully completed.