We are analogue & digital audio specialists. We are converting analogue audio to digital. We don't change music. We are planning to kickstart. Stay tuned! You stand up for sound. When you’ll join us on Kickstarter, you’ll help us give analogue music a crisp and lossless voice.
On behalf of SSB-Audio, we thank you for helping us give analogue music a lossless voice. You’ll help us to set the stage for a revolution in analogue music listening. Finally, quality enters the listening space so that we can all hear and feel what the artists created, the way they heard and felt it.
This is done when the artist makes the best available, wanting to share it with you. It happens when the artist lets you hear and feel more than what is on your tape or vinyl record of any song.
With SSB-Audio, you can finally feel the master in all its glory, in its native resolution, original quality, the way the artist made it, exactly. It’s been a long time coming. It was not easy getting this far, but you’ll make it happen by supporting SSB-Audio’s vision for better listening.
We will be sharing how we will do this with you over the next few months, while we build your first Analogue Digital Converter & Headphone Amplifier. We are going to do some revolutionary things
We will make music available in a way that has never been done, a way that allows for constantly attaining the best listening experience.
Uwe, Sonny, Heinz and the SSB Audio Team
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facebook.comUnser Vertriebspartner Martin Grueber bietet unsere Produkte exklusiv in der Schweiz an:
Analog Mix von Ben Liebrand. Osterüberraschung.
Die Fantastischen Vier
Analoge Audioaufzeichnung der Fantastische Vier wird auf Band und direkt auf Vinyl produziert. Ihr hört richtig: Auf Band, Auf Vinyl. Schöner Beitrag.
The Hollies - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Für unseren Freund und Mitbegründer. Sonny †24.9.2016
Photos from SSB-Audio's post
Zwar nicht ein Produkt von SSB Audio, aber von unserem Mitgründer der SSB Audio, Sonny Schneidt. Das Loundnesmeter LM 128P. Das LM128P wird von den großen deutschen Rundfunk/Fernsehsendern eingesetzt., ab 03:07 bis 03:12 als Original
Photos from SSB-Audio's post
Wenn man den Gerüchten glauben darf, hat Manfred Meinzer Design eine neue Revox Bandmaschine entworfen. Ob sie nach Insider-Informationen ab 2017 wirklich auf den Markt kommt, können wir nicht bestätigen. (c) by
Ben Liebrand
Good Morning Analog Enthusiasts.
ADICON and TS1000
ADICON and analog tape recorders are the ideal combinations for pure and realistic sound conversion.
We are diving deep into Vinyl technology soon! Please stay tuned 😀
High End Audio For The Passionates
For people like him, we will have a perfect tool soon.
It's not an SSB-Audio project, but Sonny - our chief designer - produced this production desk for Enigma - Michael Cretu