The Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt is a LOEWE Center for IT security research and development with an interdisciplinary and cross-organizational approach. It was founded in July 2008 by TU Darmstadt, the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology and the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. CASED promotes and coordinates cooperation between the three institutions.LOEWE is an initiative of the government of Hesse for supporting the development of scientific and economic excellence in Hesse on a long-term basis. The government of Hesse provides funding for the infrastructure of CASED as well as for various projects of the three instititutions involved.In those funded projects, computer scientists, engineers, physicians, legal experts and economists of the three cluster partners do basic and application-oriented research.Research and development of new security solutions for important growing areas of IT technology, such as embedded systems and service-oriented architecture, is the ultimate goal of the Center. Subsequently, they hope to prevent substantial economic damage caused by economic espionage, manipulation, and product counterfeiting. Another aim is to make new techniques and online services run smoothly and safely for both providers and users.Research AreasSecure Data: Basic research and development of procedures for digital data security in a heterogeneous, dynamic and decentralized world with computers being present everywhere.Secure Things: Basic research and development of procedures for protection of embedded systems, which often only have small resources and few means of communication.Secure Services: Basic research and development of procedures for durable improvement of security and reliability of on-demand services.Smart Civil Security: Basic research and development of procedures for security and reliability of new human-computer interaction as well as software- and communication concepts.The graduate school offers a structured program for CASED PhD students.
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