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Marine Biology Workshops

Rischauer Moor 1, Brunswick, Germany



Meeresbiologische Workshops, Reef Check, Vorträge, UW-Fotografie, Meeresaquaristik, Korallenableger, Meeresaquaristik-Dienstleistungen Impressum:
Biologische Meereskunde & Meeresaquaristik
Inhaber: Dipl. biol. Stephan Moldzio
Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Braunschweig, Ident-Nr.: 272350
Rischauer Moor 1
38116 Braunschweig
Telefon: 0531 / 70127185
Mobil: 0151 / 12721681



Sea Shepherd Global

Manta Ray Bay Hotel und Yap Divers - Tauchen vor Yap

Manta Ray Bay Hotel und Yap Divers - Tauchen vor Yap

Scientists have just detected a major change to the Earth’s oceans linked to a warming climate

Scientists have just detected a major change to the Earth’s oceans linked to a warming climate “A large research synthesis, published in one of the world’s most influential scientific journals, has detected a decline in the amount of dissolved oxygen in oceans around the world — a long-predicted result of climate change that could have severe consequences for marine organisms if it continues. The paper, published Wednesday in the journal Nature by oceanographer Sunke Schmidtko and two colleagues from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany, found a decline of more than 2 percent in ocean oxygen content worldwide between 1960 and 2010… Climate change models predict the oceans will lose oxygen because of several factors. Most obvious is simply that warmer water holds less dissolved gases, including oxygen… But another factor is the growing stratification of ocean waters... Because oxygen in the global ocean is not evenly distributed, the 2 percent overall decline means there is a much larger decline in some areas of the ocean than others. Moreover, the ocean already contains so-called oxygen minimum zones, generally found in the middle depths. The great fear is that their expansion upward, into habitats where fish and other organism thrive, will reduce the available habitat for marine organisms. In shallower waters, meanwhile, the development of ocean “hypoxic” areas, or so-called “dead zones,” may also be influenced in part by declining oxygen content overall. On top of all of that, declining ocean oxygen can also worsen global warming in a FEEDBACK LOOP. In or near low oxygen areas of the oceans, microorganisms tend to produce nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas, Gilbert writes. Thus the new study “implies that production rates and efflux to the atmosphere of nitrous oxide will probably have increased… When it comes to ocean deoxygenation, as climate change continues, this trend should also increase — studies suggest a loss of up to 7 percent of the ocean’s oxygen by 2100…” Original article:

Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project

Nature’s greatest artist? One pufferfish on a mission to impress females - NTD.TV

"Yet this pufferfish is using his superb coordination for some more dedicated purpose. What he does not have in size, he can easily make up for with his seamless and amazing coordination. What comes out in the end is a perfect display of a mandala, making himself worthy of being called a little artist:"

The world lost a Great Conservationist and visionary. Rest In Peace, Rob Stewart

Reef Check Foundation

Ask Dr. Pauly: Big Problems with the Way We Use Small Fish

Going down the foodchain is always a good idea for your nutrition: more healthy, more sustainable, more social

The Snail-Smashing, Fish-Spearing, Eye-Popping Mantis Shrimp | Deep Look

Amazing insights of the visual skills of Mantis Shrimps, for example in view of polarized light.🦐

How the World Passed a Carbon Threshold and Why It Matters

Cutting down CO2 emissions as fast as possible is a matter of humankind as well as of all living beings on this planet. What is happening now in the US against climate science and measures against climate change, - and pro fossil industries and climate science denial- is therefore not only a matter of the US or their "politics" - it's a matter of planet earth. We have to stand up.

First glimpse of Japan's whale slaughter in defiance of international court

Sea Shepherd encountered with the japanese whaling fleet, who tries to kill 333 minke whales this year again for so-called "scientific reasons". Last year they have slaughtered 333 minke whales, including around 200 pregnant cows!

Robots capture rare footage of marine life beneath Antarctic ice sea

Flourishing life under the antarctic sea ice!


NEAR Marine Biology Workshops