A team of experts at the University of Bremen active in the field of capacity raising for knowledge-, technology transfer and innovation. The Innovation Capability of an organization determines how effective it can contribute to the innovation chain. Universities and research centers are expected to be a very strong partners for innovation, as the development of new ideas and knowledge is in the core of their organizational mission. But reality shows that innovation is a complex business especially if several organizations are involved. Being a reliable partner for innovation in this context is a competence that has to be developed and can not be expected to be mature even if researchers are experts in their scientific fields – and what are the essentials for being a good partner for collaboration? Several organizations have realized that they need additional competences to be more Unbenannt
effective in transferring knowledge and technologies. But an organization is a complex system based on individual competences but also on structures and processes. So, raising the innovative capacity of an organization requires to improve these structures and processes. And same challenge applies not only to the science industry interface, as also the science society interface requires the capability for collaboration and efficient knowledge transfer for societal innovation.
The Innovation Capability Center at Bremen University is consulting the management of
universities, research centers and collaboration structures like knowledge based clusters in analyzing their structures and processes for a continuos improvement and to become an effective and also more efficient player in the innovation cycle.
The Innovation Capability Center is also the headquarter of the process reference model innoSPICE based on the international standard ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE). An important focus in this area it the establishment of a network that supports the deployment, ensures training on different levels and studies the improvement of the model. To learn more about the innoSPICE model please look at .
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