VOGT Pharmatools
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I Holland Ltd
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NICHT VERPASSEN: I HOLLAND WEBINAR AM 2. MÄRZ VON 15-16 UHR Bitte hier registrieren: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1666637905395602433 How to maximise tooling lifespan & productivity through planned professional management & maintenance Thu, Mar 2, 2017 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CET How to maximise tooling lifespan & productivity through planned professional management & maintenanceTablet punches and dies are often viewed as consumable items that can be replaced at relatively low cost. However, with the constant challenge of increased productivity and profitability this is an unreliable strategy. In this presentation we look at the benefits in time and cost saving that using a professional management and maintenance system will bring to your business. This webinar will explore how, by employing simple but powerful software and operating procedures, you can manage tooling life cycle and increase tooling life.
STE Tecpharm - ein Video vom Filmcoater
STE Tecpharm - ein Video vom High-Shear-Mixer
Photos from VOGT Pharmatools's post
Die Termine für die Trouble-Shooting-Seminare 2017 stehen fest: 4.-5. Mai und 2.-3. November 2017 Zur Anmeldung bitte bei info@v-gt.de melden.
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Tabletting Cycle
Neu von I Holland: Viele Trainingsvideos - besonders hilfreich sind die Trouble-Shooting Videos! Hier: Der Tablettenpressenzyklus
Interessantes R&D Equipment von STE Tecpharm - jetzt Preise anfragen! Interesting R&D equipment from STE Tecpharm - send your quote request now!
Photos from VOGT Pharmatools's post
I Hollands Tool Management Programm ist jetzt verfügbar. Besuchstermin zur Präsentation gewünscht?
I Holland: XDF - Make Better Tablets
Längere Druckhaltezeit bei EU B benötigt?