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TWC Fulfillment Centre Int

Christern Strasse 6, Bremen, Germany
Full Gospel Church



TWC Fulfillment Centre Int's Responsiblity is: Leadind people of different Color, Race and Nationality to the Lord Jesus through worship. Come and join us! The Worshippers Ccreed:

My life purpose is fulfilled
My steps are accurate
My mind is Incoruptible
For my God is trust-worthy
Therefor, I can boldly declare
That I worship a true living God
Through Jesus Christ who empowerd me by his Spirit for in Him I live, move and have my being now and forever more Amen.

Statment of Faith:

We believe that there is only one God. The Creator of all things and is in the trinity of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
(Mathew3:16-17, Psalm 24:1)
Also believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who was born of the virgin Mary through the inspiration of Holy Spirit; who is man and God at the same time.
Strongly that Jesus is the way, truth and life. (John 14:6)
That Holy Bible is the word of God all scripture is giving by inspiration of God and is infalllible. (2Tim 3:16)
Also that Jesus Christ died, resurrected from the dead after the third day. (1 Cor.15:4)
That Jesus Christ is coming again.
(John 13:3, Acts 1:11)
Surely your purpose in this world is to worship God in spirit and truth (John 3:23-24) that your life purpose might be fulfilled.

In Service of His most worthy
Raphael Sunday Olabisi
Senior Pastor and Founder


AGAIN IS TIME FOR PRAYER & FASTING Good day beloved from on the 23rd of this month till on the 29th...we shall be having a one week fasting....and on Friday 27th will be having an all night.. begin 11pm which will be aired live on Facebook. God bless❤


Good morning dear all. Please kindly share. Thank You and God richly bless You indeed. Amen

Sunday praise section in TWCBREMEN

TWCBREMEN DRAMA DEPARTMENT ACTION@ TWC Fulfillment Centre Int 2018 Convention Why do we have to dress up nice for church?Answer: It is good for us to ponder why we wear what we do. Genesis 35:1-3 may shed some light on the subject. "Then God said to Jacob, 'Go up to Bethel and settle there. Build an altar there to honor Me. That's where I appeared to you when you were running away from your brother Esau.' So Jacob spoke to his family and to everyone who was with him. He said, 'Get rid of the strange gods you have with you. Make yourselves pure, and change your clothes. Come, let's go up to Bethel. There I'll build an altar to honor God. He answered me when I was in trouble. He's been with me everywhere I've gone.'" It is possible that as Jacob began this faith-journey to Bethel with God, he recognized how much God had done for him, and how much he needed God! His response was to take everyone with him on this faith-journey, so they could experience God for themselves. "Get rid of the strange gods you have with you. Make yourselves pure" implies the need to be united in "coming clean" before God. "For all have sinned..." (Romans 3:23). Many then had "household idols" with them that they depended on, as well as God. They did not trust God alone. "Change your clothes" implies a change of heart toward sin. It was to be a reflection of what had taken place on the "inside." We would all benefit from a "spiritual bath" to confess and get rid of sin before we go to church. This is making ourselves pure. For some people, clean is their "best." For others, their heart tells them that wearing their best is showing God His value to them. For still others, there needs to be a caution that their best isn't merely showing off. It is always the heart God is looking at, rather than the exterior. However, what we wear to worship our holy, pure God may be an indication of where our hearts are. If you have never considered it before, ask yourself, "Does it matter to me how I look when I am going to worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? More importantly, does it matter to Him?" We must all be the judge of that for ourselves. It's a personal choice, keeping in mind that having a proper attitude toward God Himself is important preparation for worship at church.

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Pst James Kwarteng AIG President@ TWC Fulfillment Centre Int 2018 Convention


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