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Ofrenda Day of dead HISTORY OF THE DAY OF THE DEAD The Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos or All Souls' Day) is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and by Latin Americans. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. The celebration occurs on November 1st and 2nd in connection with the Catholic holiday of All Saints' Day which occurs on November 1st and All Souls' Day which occurs on November 2nd. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts. Scholars trace the origins of the modern holiday to indigenous observances dating back thousands of years, and to an Aztec festival dedicated to a goddess called Mictecacihuatl. Similar holidays are celebrated in many parts of the world; for example, it's a public holiday (Dia de Finados) in Brazil, where many Brazilians celebrate by visiting cemeteries and churches. In Spain, there are festivals and parades, and at the end of the day, people gather at cemeteries and pray for their loved ones who have died. Similar observances occur elsewhere in Europe and in the Philippines, and similarly-themed celebrations appear in many Asian and African cultures. HISTORY OF THE DAY OF THE DEAD 2: The origin of now the call day of deads is uncertain, goes back according to some students until year 800 a.c in the call dead Festival, celebrated between the Aztecs during the months of July and August, as a celebration to celebrate the end of the maize harvest, kidney bean, chick-pea and pumpkin, that comprised of the offering to the Mictecacihuatl goddess. This Goddess, queen of Chinahmictlan was the guardiana of the ninth level of hell, Mictlan call. Some assure that the tradition of the festival is mixed with the pre-Hispanic custom to bury to deads with objects, food and offerings for its trip to the other life. The tradition is born from the belief that when dying, the people happen to the kingdom of Mictlán, where they must be a time later to go to the sky or Tlalocan. For the trip, our dear beings need food and water for the way; watchmen to illuminate itself; currencies, to pay to the ferryman crosses who them by the river, before arriving at Mictlán and a thorny wood to drive away the devil. All this, was placed in its tomb and the altar of deads, for its annual visit to the alive ones, in which it is placed copal and flowers of cempasuchil to mark the way. When arriving the Spaniards, these beliefs were adapted to the Christian calendar and they are celebrated 1 and 2 of November. First it is celebrated the Day of All the Saints, spent to the children and the 2 to the rest of the loved people, being these the unique days in which the souls have permission to return to visit their dear beings. So that it is, in fact one celebration of welcome for which they are surprised. In some regions one thinks that the 28 of October lower to the deads by accident and 30 those that are the limb by not to be baptized; nevertheless these beliefs are not generalized. At present, the day of died is celebrated mainly putting altars in the houses them loved beings of the family relatives, friendly, personages public but also other traditions are had that with time went away incorporating to this festival. Some families visit the cemetery and eat on the tomb, accompanied by the soul of their deceased, take flowers and clean the tomb to them, those that can, accompany the food with a northern set or mariachi. Also the use of “calaveritas”, verses dedicated to public people is popular or personages of imaginary the popular one, in satire tone or deceives. Arisen at the end of the century nineteen, the “calaveritas” they are a sample of I devise that it consists of pretending that somebody is or dead, and according to its characteristics or way to live, to make fun of of how died: if somebody is very attractive it can say that the death took it to kiss it, or if he is very lying, that discovered it to the death. Doing calaveritas them loved beings, or giving small sugar skulls to them with their name are part of the tradition that follows lives. The appearance of all type of candies and flowers for the altar of died in the stores and positions of the city, becomes at the beginning of the month of October, in that the owners of dulcerías order their purchases or go they themselves to Guadalajara, Puebla, Guanajuato or the Federal District, where the majority lives on the dedicated craftsmen to make calaveritas and other gifts for deads.
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