For all those that just love cute things..... Boneka doll fashions supplies all that for the doll world. Supplier of high end doll fashions and accessories. Always striving to find the best suppliers for anything a doll could wish for; dresses, shoes, luggage, furniture, bicycles and lots more
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Hello Boneka Fans, we are having a holiday in Germany and we enjoyed playing with our dolls. We have been also busy to set up a new ebay-shop to make it as convenient as possible for you to find what you are looking for. We sorted by sizes and will list some new items soon. Have a wonderful start into the week.
For Sasha
Dresses for Sasha or any other similar 16" / 40cm dolls
Smock dress with puffed sleeves - Boneka Doll Fashions
Just listed..... smock dress in 10"/24cm. Perfect for the beginning of Summer
Boneka Dollfashions and More
These smock dresses in 24cm / 10" fit perfectly on Anne Estelle and similar dolls.
Boneka Dollfashions and More
Just listed! Octoberfest dirndl for Müller Wichtel 13" / 32cm
Timeline Photos
Look Birgit sent me a picture today from her cute little Minouche from Silvia Natterer wearing one of our 13" / 33 cm Little Darling dresses. Isn't she cute as a button? Birgit hat mir heute ein Foto geschickt von Ihrer zauberhaften kleinen Minouce von Siliva Natterer in einem unserer 33 cm Little Darling Kleidern. Ist sie nicht zum Anbeißen süß? Thank you Birgit for the darling picture. <3
Boneka Dollfashions and More
Ich liebe diese Klassiker von Boneka <3
boneka tradition | eBay
Hello with best wishes for a good start into the week. We started our week by listing different Boneka items for sale on ebay. Our dolls enjoy a wonderful sunny day modeling our fashion.
boneka tradition fashiondolls | eBay
Don't we all just LOVE the regency fashion from the movie Pride and Prejudice! We listed some exquisite outfits on for Tiny Kitty What is your favourite? For your information: I sell and send international but: Because I just opened my ebay-shop it is EBAY RULE that I can not list on international ebay websites until I sold a specific amount of items. If you look for Boneka items please go to and search for Boneka Tradition. As soon I am allowed to sell on international sites I will offer Boneka Fashion in an international shop and you can find the items in your country and US-Dollar prices. Thank you for your patience and have a dolly jolly day Claudia H.
Photos from Boneka Dollfashions and More's post
Coming soon!
To our friends in Germany or nearby: Meet us, Claudia and Claudia and our dolls, in Münster at "Internationaler Puppenfrühling"
boneka tradition | eBay
Here is what we have listed already.