Bohmte is a municipality in the district of Osnabrück, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated on the river Hunte, approx. 20 km northeast of Osnabrück. The foundation of today's Bohmte is a result of the regional reorganization of 1972, when the towns of Bohmte, Herringhausen-Stirpe-Oelingen and Hunteburg were consolidated.Bohmte introduced a new road system in September 2007, designed to reduce the dominance of the motor vehicle. It is hoped that the scheme, which is based on the shared space philosophy, will improve road safety in the town.PoliticsParish councilApportionment at the parish council as of 10 September 2006: CDU 15 seats SPD 11 seats FDP 2 seats Alliance '90/The Greens 2 seatsTown twinnings Gützkow, Vorpommern-Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (since 1991) Bolbec, Seine-Maritime, FranceEducation and culture Erich Kästner-Schule Christophorus-Schule Grundschule Herringhausen Oberschule Bohmte Wilhelm-Busch-Schule Astrid-Lindgren-Schule
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