Wild Dancing for Wildlife
Protect with us the forest in Europe
Protect with us the forest in Europe
We find, buy and conserve forest areas.
Through fundraising and crowdfunding we are goinig to conserve large untouched contiguous forest areas.
The aim is to create wilderness areas of the IUCN categorie 1a or 1b.
These nature reserves allow an undisturbed habitat for wildlife.
Rumania is one of the last places on earth, where bears, wolfs and other wild animals have enough forest to survive. But also this habitat is endangered by deforestation.
Hektarparty brings people together and with small donations of everyone, we can protect this world cultural heritage into the next century.
Thank you for your donation, joy and your interest in a better world.
Wild Dancing for Wildlife
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facebook.comTOTAL FOREST: 6.008,3m² Thank you for your donation, joy and your interest in a better world. Wild Dancing for Wildlife
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Infostand bei den naturschutztagen
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