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DFG-Research Training Group UbiCrypt

DFG-Research Training Group UbiCrypt, Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security, Ruhr-University Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, Bochum, Germany



UbiCrypt ist the DFG-funded Research Training Group of the Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security at Ruhr-University Bochum. We are in the midst of the shift toward ubiquitous computing. Mobile multimedia devices with DRM services, intelligent web applications, medical implants that communicate or car-to-car communication have become reality. Such ubiquitous applications are typically not confined to well-defined networks but communication takes place between small embedded nodes and the “cloud”, a large and often not well defined network consisting of PCs and servers. Many of the new applications are heavily dependent on security features, for instance telemedicine or intelligent traffic management. Many current security solutions are not applicable any more, e.g., because of a lack of clear network boundaries, resource-constrained devices or new security requirements like anonymous payment schemes on mobile tokens.

The DFG-Research Training Group UbiCrypt was founded in 2012 as a project of the chairs and Research Groups of the Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security of the Ruhr-University Bochum. The group connects young researchers from all fields related to IT-Security and brings together all career stages from research students to experienced professors.

A central goal of the training plan is an interdisciplinary and structured Ph.D. phase with an innovative two-advisor concept, a close coupling with the RUB Research School and mandatory research visits at leading international research groups. A high quality education is assured by tailored graduate courses, seminars and annual summer schools.


2017 IACR Fellows

The International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) selected Prof. Christof Paar as IACR Fellow. He was recognized for founding CHES, service to the IACR and for important contributions to secure and efficient implementation of cryptography. CHES (Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems) was founded by Prof. Paar in 1999 and it has become the largest conference on Cryptography worldwide. As of yet, this award has been received by one only other German Researcher.

Bochums Center of Advanced Internet Studies just opened:

Tipps von IT-Experten: So basteln Sie sich wirklich sichere Passwörter - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Netzwelt

Auf Spie­gel On­line er­klärt unser PI Prof. Eike Kiltz (Kryp­to­gra­fie, RUB) neben vier an­de­ren IT-Ex­per­ten wie man si­che­re Pass­wör­ter ge­ne­rie­ren kann. Prof. Kiltz nutzt ein selbst­ge­bau­tes Pro­gramm, wel­ches sich platt­form-un­ab­hän­gig ein­set­zen lässt.

Timeline Photos

Our first 2017 session of the Seminar&Lecture Series takes place on January 26, 10 a.m., room ID 03/455. Feel free to drop by!

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

There are some cyborg ducks around at the HGI!

Timeline Photos


Take a look at RUB Research School's Postdoc opportunities!

Winter School on Binary Analysis: secUnity - Supporting the security community

Our PI Prof. Thorsten Holz and Dennis Tatang organize a Winter School on Binary Analysis (RUB, February 20-24, 2017) - registrations are open now!

N63 - Ruhr-Universität Bochum

We're starting into the new year with our first HGI newsletter!

NRW-Fortschrittskolleg SecHuman

Prof. Angela Sasse will give a talk at HGI Colloquium tommorow at 11 a.m. - come around!

NRW-Fortschrittskolleg SecHuman


NRW-Fortschrittskolleg SecHuman

Winter School on Binary Analysis: secUnity - Supporting the security community

The secUnity project will host a Winter School on Binary Analysis in Bochum on February 20-24!

NRW-Fortschrittskolleg SecHuman

Good to know the neighbours! :)


NEAR DFG-Research Training Group UbiCrypt