The Berlin Model United Nations Conference Berlin Model United Nations is a conference, in which 700 high school students come together to simulate the real United Nations by taking the role of a delegate of a counttry different from the persons origin to discuss political issues.
What is BERMUN?
Berlin Model United Nations is a conference, in which 700 high school students come together to simulate the real United Nations by taking the role of a delegate of a country different from the persons origin to discuss political issues.
What do you do?
BERMUN is all about debating and politics. Along a set of given topics, delegates come together from all over the world and aim at formulating a resolution that addresses the topic at hand. First, delegates write draft resolutions in little lobbying groups. Subsequently, all lobbying groups present, debate and amend each others resolutions. Finally, the committee votes on these resolutions and tries to pass the most substantial and effective resolution.
When? Where?
BERMUN always takes place in mid-November in the John F. Kennedy School, Berlin. If you are interested in taking part in the BERMUN 2011 conference, please send an email to bermun[at] and we will add you to the First Mailing List. Please also indicate the school name and country of origin. You will then receive Registration Material in May/June 2011.
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