Marketing for Art, Music & Tech
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... if you're starting your week feeling in a rut or not 100% happy starting your day off ... U need to find something to BREAK it, change it up and keep moving !!
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Storyboard for an explainer video for the great folks at
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Thanks to Haferkater for that delicious coffee break and welcome at Effektlabor! ;-)
Startup Diaries ep. 03: Montevideo - Sinergia, Mate and a Healthy Portion of Anarchy
BRAND BOOSTR! - Der Branding Workshop
Ich freu' mich schon total auf den BRAND BOOSTR! Workshop nächste Woche im betahaus Hamburg Komma rum' - es gibt noch freie Plätze!
Build a Better To-Do List
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Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. - Arthur Ashe -
Effektlabor's cover photo
Weg von Stundensätzen hin zum Abo-Modell: Wie Agenturen künftig ihr Geld verdienen [Kolumne]
Wie du Content erstellst, bei dem deine Konkurrenz vor Neid erblasst
Gary Vaynerchuk
How the Real Estate Industry Can Use Snapchat and Facebook Live Video For Sales
Democratizing MTV Cribs