administrator: Press Section-Embassy of Pakistan, Berlin, Germany.
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Nouroz & spring festival in Berlin
GEO News report on Pakistan Day Flag hoisting
Flag hoisting ceremony
GEO NEWS report on Pakistan Day in Berlin
Pakistan Day Reception and Qawwali Concert
National Day of Pakistan Reception
The Embassy of Pakistan hosted a grand reception in Maritim Hotel, Berlin, last evening, to celebrate the 76th anniversary of Pakistan Resolution Day. The event was attended by about 600 senior officials from different federal ministries, public and private companies including major defence production companies, diplomatic Corps, think-tanks, universities students, Pakistani community and a large number of Pakistani and German media. Taking this opportunity, Pakistan Embassy arranged an impressive Qawwali concert by famous Saami Brothers, who especially flew in for the event. A miniature painting exhibition by Mr. Amin Chughtai added splendour to the colourful ceremony. Ambassador Jauhar Saleem in his opening remarks highlighted the strides made by Pakistan in the recent years in the spheres of democracy, security, economy and culture. He stated that after going through challenging times and overcoming the menace of terrorism, we are now consolidating the gains of democracy and economic growth, with overwhelming majority of Pakistanis supporting the dream of a progressive and prosperous Pakistan. Expressing deep sorrow at the loss of lives in terrorist attacks in Brussels a day earlier, he underlined the importance of greater cooperation on global level to defeat the convoluted ideologies sponsored by the extremists. He made a special reference to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s policy of peaceful neighbourhood aimed at greater peace in the region and beyond. Expressing satisfaction at the steady growth of bilateral relations, Ambassador Jauhar Saleem made special reference to the visits of Foreign Minister H.E. Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Defence Minister H.E. Dr. Ursula Von der Leyen and President of the Bundestag, Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert last year. He also acknowledged the cooperation between the two countries in the European Union and other international fora. The Chief Guest, Ms. Sabine Sparwasser, Special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Federal Foreign Office, in her remarks expressed appreciation for the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan’s armed forces personnel and civilians in the war on terror, making special reference to the Army Public School attack in 2014. Expressing deep regret on the terrorist attacks in Brussels a day earlier, she said that terrorism was a global challenge which could only be defeated through greater global cooperation and understanding. Recalling her visit to Pakistan last year for the 5th Heart of Asia Conference, Ms. Sparwasser appreciated the steadily growing confidence in the relations between Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and Iran. She expressed appreciation for Pakistan’s peace building role in the region. Referring to the bilateral relations, she reiterated the feelings expressed by Ambassador Jauhar Saleem over the exchange of high-level visits between Pakistan and Germany, especially the visits by the German Parliament, Foreign Minister and Defence Minister to Pakistan last year. She pledged continued support of the German government in encouraging big German companies to do business with Pakistan and choose the country for their future investments. Ms. Sparwasser expressed special appreciation for the understanding and cooperation extended by the Government of Pakistan on the refugees’ issue. The guests were served sumptuous Pakistani cuisine, which drew great appreciation.
Nouroz Festival in Berlin
Pakistan Embassy, Berlin participated in the Nowruz and Spring Festival 2016 organized by the Ethnology Museum in collaboration with the Central Asian countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey here today. Embassies of the participating countries put up stalls showcasing their cultural heritage and handicrafts as well stage performance on traditional and cultural music. Pakistan Embassy organized Qawali program performance by Pakistani Qawal Sammi Brothers, who performed Sufiana Kalam in the different music tunes of Pakistan Qwali songs, which were much appreciated by the audience. A stall showcasing Pakistani handicrafts, embroidered accessories, books, and brochures on Pakistan, its culture, landscape and people was also set p by the Embassy on this occasion. Ambassador Jauhar Saleem while speaking to the GEO TV said that Pakistan is a country with diverse and rich cultural heritage and a birth place of leading ancient civilization. He felicitated them on this specious occasion of Nowruz and wished to all nations peace, progress and prosperity in the future ahead
Sound check for Nouroz festival on 20 March !
Ethnologisches Museum Dahlem
Nouroz and spring festival 2016 will be held at ethnological museum at Lansstrasse 8, 14195 Berlin on 20 March 2016. Saami brothers Qawwals from Pakistan will also perform on this occasion. Invitation by ticket (available at entrance of the museum).
Flag Hoisting Ceremony on National Day of Pakistan will be held at 0900 hours on 23 March 2016 at the Embassy of Pakistan Berlin. All Pakistanis are invited to attend.
Talk by Amb Jauhar Saleem at Hertie School of Governance Berlin
GEO NEWS report on Pakistan Tourism Seminar at ICD Berlin
Pakistan is safe for foreign tourists, CM Gilgit Baltistan at ITB Berlin 2016
Pakistan Evening on "Tourism and Culture" at ICD