OMO artspace
oMo art space: Atelier, Ausstellungsraum & Mappenkurse
oMo art space: Studio, exhibition room & art school
오모 아트스페이스: 아뜰리에, 전시장& 마페 준비반
Im oMo artspace, 2016 in Neukölln eröffnet, betreiben die beiden Bildenden KünstlerInnen Sarah Oh-Mock und Bongjun Oh ihre Ateliers, bieten den Raum aber auch regelmäßig für Ausstellungen sowie Videoscreenings von anderen Kunstschaffenden an. Besonderen Wert legen sie auf die Begegnung von KollegInnen mit asiatischem sowie europäischem Background, um den Austausch zwischen den Kulturen sowie die Sichtbarkeit von asiatischen KünstlerInnen in Berlin zu fördern .
oMo artspace, founded 2016 in Berlin Neukölln, is the studio of the two artists Sarah Oh-Mock and Bongjun Oh. Regularly they provide the space to other artists' exhibitions and videoscreenings. They focus on the encounter of artists with asian and european background to force the cultural exchange and visibility of asian artists in Berlin.
2016년 부터 Sarah Oh-Mock , Bongjun Oh 베를린 노이쾰른(Neukölln)에 oMo artspace를 오픈하였습니다. 저희 역시 이곳에서 작가활동을 하면서 매달 정기적으로 다양한 전시회 및 비디오 스크리닝을 기획 하고 있습니다. 아시아 작가와 유럽 및 아시아 외 작가의 만남을 기본으로 아시아 작가분들이 베를린에서 활발한 활동을 할 수 있고 두 다른 나라의 예술적 교류를
배경으로 전시를 기획하고 있습니다
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS below) In zwei Einzelausstellungen Ende Oktober sowie Ende November 2017 stellen wir im oMo artspace zwei Malereipositionen gegenüber, die mit dem Figurativen im Abstrakten spielen. Den Auftakt bildet Aneta Kajzer mit ihrer Kurzausstellung „slightly abstract“, im November wird Hanuk Jung aus Südkorea folgen. Im Rahmen seiner Ausstellung wird ein Artist talk mit beiden KünstlerInnen stattfinden. Aneta Kajzer, geb. 1989 in Kattowitz, Polen, studierte an der Kunsthochschule Mainz bei Prof. Anne Berning und Prof. Shannon Bool, bevor sie im Mai diesen Jahres als erste Stipendiatin die Winsor & Newton Residency im Künstlerhaus Bethanien antrat. slightly abstract smiles – grinning through the night strangers in a glass box – getting to know eachother for 12 hours their chats between humor and darkness – daily dosis of wierdos Eröffnung: Freitag, 20.10., ab 18 Uhr, open end geöffnet Samstag, 21.10., 16-22 Uhr upcoming Hanuk Jung: In two solo exhibitions in end of October and end of November 2017, oMo artspace presents two painting positions which are playing with the figurative in abstract painting. Starting with the short exhibition of Aneta Kajzer „slightly abstract“, Hanuk Jung from South Korea will follow in November. During his exhibition the two artists will meet for an artist talk. Aneta Kajzer, born 1989 in Kattowitz, Poland, studied at the Fine Arts Academy Mainz at Prof. Anne Berning and Prof. Shannon Bool before she started this May as first resident the Winsor & Newton Residency at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.
(Korean and english below) oMo artspace präsentiert die von 10AAA kuratierte Gruppenausstellung "Von jetzt bis in die Ewigkeit Nr.3". Die teilnehmenden Künstler beschäftigen sich mit flüchtigen Objekten, indem sie ihre bei früheren Ausstellungen dieser Reihe ausgestellten Arbeiten mit ihren materiellen Veränderungen ausstellen und somit auch den Prozess thematisieren, wie Kunst sich bei Transport und Lagerung verändert. Vergänglichkeit als inheränte Eigenschaft einer künstlerischen Arbeit. Zugleich wird durch die Reise der Werke die Frage gestellt, wieweit sie ohne ihren Schöpfer richtig weiterbestehen können. Zur Ausstellung wird ein artist talk während der Eröffnung und ein Workshop zur Finissage stattfinden. supported by Arts Council Korea (ARKO), spaceBA, Shillavan 오모 아트 스페이스의 10월 전시는 10AAA의 기획으로 ‘떠나거나, 혹은 남거나 (From Here to Eternity no.3(Berlin))’ 로 사라지기 쉬운 대상을 작품의 주요 소재로 삼는 작가들로 구성된 그룹전이다. 작가들은 과거의 작품을 다시 제작하거나, 완전히 새로운 작품을 구상하기도 하였으며, 과거의 작업을 다시 제작하는 과정에서는 예술 작품을 보존할 수 있는 방법에 대한 고민을 담아내었다. 예술의 끊임없는 딜레마인 ‘일시성, 단명성’ 그리고 ‘영원성’ 의 관계가 작가들의 ‘작품 부활’ 작업을 통해 재조명 될 예정이다. In October, oMo Art Space presents the group show(curated by10AAA) with artists who subject the objects that are easy to fade away. The artists have reformed and even recreated their previous works and, through that process, they also have expressed the efforts to find the way to preserve them. The dilemma in artwork, temporality, mortality, and eternity, is to be reperceived through artists’ "Art Resurrection". 이번 전시는 방법론적인 측면에서도 ’일시성’ 을 거부한다. 전시는 일회에 그치지 않고, ‘작가의 부재’ 와 ‘또 다른 공간’ 이라는 상황 속에서 다시 한 번 재현될 예정이다. 이를 통해 전시 그 자체로써 하나의 실험의 장이 되며, 작품이 작가의 손을 떠나서도 관객과의 관계 속에서 제대로 재현될 수 있는 지에 대한 의문의 답을 주체적으로 찾아 나선다. The exhibition itself defies “Temporality”. It wouldn’t be one-time event nor same contents in different places rather continuous to live as “Absence of Artists” and “In Another Space”. The living of the exhibition would be the experiment and the journey to find the answer if a work of art could be expressed properly in the absence of the creator.
seed pebble workshop by Wuri. Wuri, who deals with "disappearing" materials, poses questions about "eternity" of art. She shows her thoughts about her role in society (physical and semantic space) through familiar images.
wow!! oMo artspace webpage release:
*Workshop 6pm 18th Oct 'Making a living sculpture(seed pebble) workshop, lead by artist WURI
(english below) In zwei Einzelausstellungen Ende Oktober sowie Ende November 2017 stellen wir im oMo artspace zwei Malereipositionen gegenüber, die mit dem Figurativen im Abstrakten spielen. Den Auftakt bildet Aneta Kajzer mit ihrer Kurzausstellung „slightly abstract“, im November wird Hanuk Jung aus Südkorea folgen. Im Rahmen seiner Ausstellung wird ein Artist talk mit beiden KünstlerInnen stattfinden. Aneta Kajzer, geb. 1989 in Kattowitz, Polen, studierte an der Kunsthochschule Mainz bei Prof. Anne Berning und Prof. Shannon Bool, bevor sie im Mai diesen Jahres als erste Stipendiatin die Winsor & Newton Residency im Künstlerhaus Bethanien antrat. slightly abstract smiles – grinning through the night strangers in a glass box – getting to know eachother for 12 hours their chats between humor and darkness – daily dosis of wierdos Eröffnung: Freitag, 20.10., ab 18 Uhr, open end geöffnet Samstag, 21.10., 16-22 Uhr upcoming Hanuk Jung: In two solo exhibitions in end of October and end of November 2017, oMo artspace presents two painting positions which are playing with the figurative in abstract painting. Starting with the short exhibition of Aneta Kajzer „slightly abstract“, Hanuk Jung from South Korea will follow in November. During his exhibition the two artists will meet for an artist talk. Aneta Kajzer, born 1989 in Kattowitz, Poland, studied at the Fine Arts Academy Mainz at Prof. Anne Berning and Prof. Shannon Bool before she started this May as first resident the Winsor & Newton Residency at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin. Opening: Friday 20th of October from 6 pm (open end) opened Saturday 21th of October from 4 to 10 pm
Thank you to the curator, the artists and our great guests to join the opening, artist talk led by Max Neupert and Hanae Utamura's performance this sunday!! 이번 전시에 관심을 갖고 방문해주신 모든 분들과 이번 전시를 기획하신 큐레이터님, 전시에 참여하신 모든작가님들께 진심으로 감사의 말을 전합니다.