Follow JESUS - Ministries
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. P r o j e t o #iMPULSE . 🇮 🇲 🇵 🇻 🇱 🇸 🇪 #CYLT - #ChristianYouthLeadershipTraining Você é J O V E M e tem entre 12 e 120 anos de idade, mas ainda está confuso(a), não sabe o que e como fazer na obra de Deus? Até tem vontade, mas se acha incapacitado? Essa é uma oportunidade i m p e r d í v e l ! E s t u d e, o r e, m e m o r i z e a Bíblia e nos ajude a e v a n g e l i z a r ainda mais pessoas ao redor do mundo! . Follow JESUS - Ministries ' Generating New Followers to JESUS Christ ' 🔘FJT - Follow Jesus - ¡ T R A I N I N G 🔘FJM - Follow Jesus - ¡ M O V E M E N T 🔘FJ¡ - Follow Jesus - i M P U L S E by @jander.sena SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION | ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp)
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No one will ever, ever, ever love you more than Jesus! SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION | ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp)
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ALELUIA ! Bem-aventurado ( É mais Feliz ) o homem que teme ao SENHOR e se compraz nos seus mandamentos. Sl 112.1 Praise ye the Lord. BLESSED is the MAN that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. Psalmen 112.1 SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION | ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp)
SEGUIR JESUS É POSSÍVEL? SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________ INFO.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp)
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JANDER SENA - Preaching Jesus, Connecting Lives ! BLESSED Original - to be a blessing! FOLLOW JESUS - MINISTRIES - Generating new followers! . Follow Our Work Here: . ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
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ARE WE TRUE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS? Sind wir echte Nachfolger Jesu? Somos verdadeiros seguidores de Jesus? 🔥🔥🔥 PREACHING JESUS, CONNECTING LIVES! SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp) .
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EVANGELIZATION 2017 • KÖLN - Germany . Der Letzte Tag der Evangelisation ist super geworden. Super Team! Preis den Herrn🔥🔥🔥 PREACHING JESUS, CONNECTING LIVES! SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION | ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp)
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EVANGELIZATION 2017 • KÖLN - Germany . GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD, AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE. Ide por todo o mundo e pregai o evangelho a toda criatura. MK 16.15 SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION | ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp) .
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GOTT WIRKTE SO MÄCHTIG WÄHREND DER LOBPREIS - UND ANBETUNGSZEIT. Deus operou poderosamente durante o Louvor e Adoração. SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp)
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OUTREACH 2017 • KÖLN - Germany . GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD, AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE. Ide por todo o mundo e pregai o evangelho a toda criatura. MK 16.15 SEMINAR | KONFERENZ | EVANGELISATION | ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ KONTAKTE.: +49 157 8631 2571 (WhattsApp) .