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Bad Säckingen

, Bad Säckingen, Germany



Bad Säckingen is a rural town in the administrative district of Waldshut in the state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. It is famous as the "Trumpeteer's City" because of the book "The Trumpeteer of Säckingen", a famous 19th-century novel by German author Joseph Victor von Scheffel.GeographyBad Säckingen is located in the very southwest of Germany next to the Swiss border on the river Rhine. The city lies on the southern edge of the Black Forest area.Nearby placesClose : Wallbach, Wehr , Murg am Hochrhein, Laufenburg , Stein AG, Rheinfelden , Rheinfelden , Rickenbach Further away : Waldshut-Tiengen, Schopfheim, Lörrach, Basel, Brugg AG, Aarau AG, Zürich, Schaffhausen SH, St. Blasien, Todtmoos, Freiburg i.Br., Konstanz.


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