EuropeTour is about empowering rural areas to harvest the potential of cultural tourism through Social Media & digital communication technologies. Europetour is a European project funded by the ERASMUS+ programme 2015 - 2018.
Cultural treasures are among the main reasons why visitors are attracting to visiting Europe. Museums, churches, festivals … there is a lot to enjoy, explore, learn, and experience.
The territory of Europe is made up by a staggering majority of rural areas (about 80% of the surface), home to some 4.500 small towns and villages of less than 20.000 inhabitants each. Most of them have culturally important monuments, such as historic houses, living traditions, and cultural attractions of many kinds.
Everywhere in rural areas you will find culture – from ancient times to today. European culture is not only an urban culture, quite the contrary. Unique cultural experiences are part of rural life as well. This is what makes the European culture unique all over the world!
To this end, the EUROPETOUR project aims at improving the professional qualification of actors in the cultural tourism market of rural areas. It does so by qualifying staff and local stakeholders in creating attractive offers and in using social media marketing. The project equally targets actors from the tourism as well as cultural & creative industries, careful about a holistic and integrative approach to include all relevant actors and unlock the economic potential for forthcoming, sustainable business opportunities across Europe.
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facebook.comThe photos of our #EuropeTour meeting in #Mysliborz & travelling around #KLOSTERLAND are now live >> <3 Enjoy!
For our German speaking friends and followers: Get a taste of the EuropeTour study visit to the German-Polish network MG Klosterland at the German-Polish border. There is outstanding "Backsteingotik" ("red brick Gothic", architectural style) in the northern part of Germany as well as in Poland. Absolutely impressive and worth a visit!
It was a great first day in #Mysliborz #Poland , where we currently enjoy our first #culturaltourism meeting in 2018 ! Stay tuned #EuropeTour #europetourtips
Polish children’s dance 💃 #EuropeTour live !!
Extremely important for cultural and spiritual tourism: include the municipalities in rural areas! Thanks Izabela Matusiak for organising that in #Mysliborz / Polen
#EuropeTour live on Polish TVB24 In Mysliborz!
Would be great to have data on #digitalisation in cultural tourism comparable to the German data in English - anybody aware if this data is somewhere available? Thanks to the Culturcamp colleagues for communicating the German graphic!
Please see our little addendum to ITB Berlin: EuropeTour joined the press conference of 50plus Hotels and Kreativ Reisen Österreich - Creative Tourism Austria and presented the first 4 training modules for cultural tourism in rural areas.
The #EuropeTour family is reunited again !! Thank you CHATA „W SAM LAS” for hosting us near Mysliborz, Poland 🇵🇱
The #EUROPETOUR partnership is about to meet again in the host city of Mysliborz, Poland! We will be posting live on Facebook & Twitter about our cultural learning experiences with our German/Polish member KLOSTERLAND network, and visiting selected places around North-Western Poland, including the Baltic Sea Coast. Follow us between 21-25 March, 2018 for live updates ! #europetourtips #creativetravel