Migrant women's Life improvement through body-oriented approach
International project funded by EU program Erasmus+
Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002354 Welcome at the European project Mind4Body, a two-year lasting partnership among five organisations from Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey who are active in adult education. The partners develop and implement a training-course for migrant women which connects mind and body. The project contributes to the improvement of migrant women´s life´s, their career, wellbeing and self-esteem.
Mind4Body is the name of a project with the entire title “Migrant women´s life improvement through body oriented approach” , which is funded by the EU program Erasmus+ as a two-year strategic partnership from November 2015 until October 2017.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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facebook.commind4body newsletter 12/2017 (EU-project adult education) -
Big article about mind4body on the website of the network of body-oriented therapists in the Netherlands. http://www.sblp.nl/index.php/nwsdec17/282-mind4body
Press-release of mind4body-multiplier-event in Italy: http://www.termolionline.it/news/attualita/667357/mens-sana-in-corpore-sano-scopriamo-il-mind4body
Great enthusiasm about M4B methodology in Termoli. Thank you, women!
Great interest and curiosity about Mind4Body contents at ARES in Campobasso
You are a lioness, but you feel like a yorkshire? It's time to try Mind4Body!
All of our videos are online. You can find them on youtube when you look for mind4body. This is the first one: https://youtu.be/e-733F6sxmc
Multiplier Event on “Migrant women’s life improvement through body oriented approach” implemented by İzmir Governorship within the scope of European Strategic Partnership 2015-2017 within the EU program funded by Erasmus+ was organized in Balçova Termal Hotel. Izmir Deputy Governor Uğur Kolsuz, Director of Izmir Provincial Directorate of Migration, Buca Youth Service and Sports District Manager and Balçova Youth Service and Sports District Manager attended the meeting. There was an intense interest among the participants. Stakeholders from migrant organisations, public entities, labour-service, women organisations, training providers, decision takers and politicians as well as NGOs were attended the meeting. Results of the project in the different countries including the intellectual outputs were presented during the event. The experiences of migrant women attending the trainings as well as the trainers’ were shared. Besides, experts from Izmir Provincial Directorate of Migration made speeches on current situation of migrants in İzmir and women-employability. We present our thanks to all contributers of the Project as well as the participants of the meeting.
Mind4body-international symposium on October 20th in Fulda. It was a really interesting day with inspiring contact, good information, vivid workshops, graduation of the first generation mind4body-trainers and lots of reasons to celebrate the succes of this project. We had the chance to meet all the partners from Italy, Turkey, The Netherlands and Germany. Thanks to our hosting organisation interkulturelles Forum Fulda! Thanks to all the guests who made mind4body alive.
Press-release of our succesful international symposium in Fulda on October 20th 2017 (german language). Thanks to IKF as host of this multiplier-event.
Our final project meeting on mind4body is going to start. First guests from the Netherlands, Turkey and Italy just arrived at Fulda. We are happy to see each other and looking forward to a good week.
Aktuelles zu mind4body (EU-Projekt Erwachsenenbildung) Oktober 2017